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CTD On F4SE Startup


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Hi all!


I took about a year long break from modding, but have recently returned for a bit. As such, I uninstalled FO4, wiped clean MO2, and reinstalled everything. I then opened vanilla FO4 as normal, then F4SE, then enabled all my mods and launched the game. I was waiting for about 30 seconds or so until my game crashed. The home menu never loaded. My load order is included, let me know if you want to see my mod list. Hopefully, we can solve this!












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IF, and this is a HUGE if, you got that load order to work the first time, then count yourself VERY lucky


you can not run 170 mods and not use a bashed patch from Wrye Bash or a smashed patch from mator smash, PERIOD.


You also make no mention of using LOOT. This is probably the easiest thing anyone can do to help their game be more stable.


Here is my guide, follow it STEP BY STEP, and then let me know if you need more help or don't understand something



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IF, and this is a HUGE if, you got that load order to work the first time, then count yourself VERY lucky


you can not run 170 mods and not use a bashed patch from Wrye Bash or a smashed patch from mator smash, PERIOD.


You also make no mention of using LOOT. This is probably the easiest thing anyone can do to help their game be more stable.


Here is my guide, follow it STEP BY STEP, and then let me know if you need more help or don't understand something




Thanks for the reply, sorry for getting back so late. I suppose I remembered wrong, I thought the maximum plugin load was 255? Maybe that was Skyrim only? My fault, I'll sort through what is necessary and what's not.


As for LOOT, it is definitely not the best option. If you're a beginner, then sure, but if you know what should be loaded where, then LOOT becomes obsolete, since it makes mistakes WAY too often. I tend to load the mods first to get the required files installed post-launch, then sort my LO manually. Thanks for the consideration though.


I'll check out the guide, though I'm assuming the cause of this is my own stupidity in not remembering the load limit.

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I thought the maximum plugin load was 255? Maybe that was Skyrim only?


I never said that


I said - you can not run 170 mods and not use a bashed patch from Wrye Bash


as for the LOOT issue, you are SEMI correct


Your best option is to run LOOT, and apply it, then sort your load order as you see fit, that is the best way for an advanced person to use LOOT

Edited by gromulos
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I never said that



Quite aware. I was the one who said that. Read over my reply from earlier.


Found out the load limit is 150 (unless I'm mistaken), so I went through the process of merging some plugins. After running it through the error checker, it came out clean, and I was at below 150. Load order is essentially the same, but the game is still crashing. Any help?

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I don't know if this is relevant to your problem, but I've experienced a 'startup ctd' before when I made a small edit to a certain weapon mod and I erroneously selected a 'bad pick' in the dropdown menu in one of the records (i accidentally selected 'Form ID, Float' instead of 'Form ID, Int') for one of the weapon receivers. I guess what I'm saying is, maybe it's worth checking a bad record issue and not a load order issue?

Edited by jdrfox
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