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Recent CTD on openworld


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i hadnt played skyrim in a bit because my dark brotherhood sanctuary was missing with the latest patch the it is back so im not sure what was going with that as i have no mods that should touch it.


but i noticed now my game crashes randomly when in the openworld. I tried removing select mods and still the problem persists. I also noticed that my dark brotherhood sanctuary disappeared but then closing the game and reopening it fixed that. so im not sure whats going on.


I run on windows 7 64bit

4gigs ram

no sli

and i run the game with skse.



any ideas?

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oh well i just found a solution on another site. Adjusting Windows Sound settings to 24bit 44100mhz (not 24bit 48000mhz) seems to have worked so far. will repost if the problem comes back



edit: nope nevermind posted to soon

Edited by livingdeviant
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Strange, I had this problem the other day. I downloaded a new sound scheme.


Problems left and right.


So, I restored Skyrim from my backup, same mods, same new music mod....and no problems.




<edited for your viewing pleasure>


On further thought, are your mods up to date and you have the current patch and so forth? That was a problem with one of my mods that became conflicted with one that was downloaded from the workshop.

Edited by Sonreac
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Do you use Wyre and Boss to sort? Might be a load order conflict. Also, perhaps there are some overwrites/underwrites. Use Wyre as well. grin. I have to be honest. I use NMM to download mods, but wyre to install unless they are nmm reliant. Easier to keep track of mod updates that way.
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