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Extremely slow Download


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Hello, since yesterday evening I'm getting an extremely slow Download from nexus.
I have tested other downloads (such as steam and random files from my cloud drive) and these work just fine. I normally have a DL speed of 5mbps on average, and now I have below 100kbps, but only when downloading from nexus.

I'm in Germany


IPv6: 2003:85:ed1d:c351:e592:d0ba:47eb:cc2e


Pinging to files.nexus-cdn.com gives me an average of 90ms.

I'm downloading via Vortex, but the URL seems to be https://supporter-files.nexus-cdn.com/1704/3038/FNIS%20Behavior%20SE%207_4_5-3038-7-4-5.7z?md5=sNWo0cLAV0DBSainQaboLw&expires=1541621318&user_id=26095669&rip=

Downloading one of your sample files gives me the exact same dl rate as via vortex.

If you could help me that would be fantastic.

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Same I should be getting 2 MB/s but I got something like 500 kbps ?? What's wrong Nexus`?


Edit: and yes I am talking about Manual download

Edited by CodeNamed1
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Thank you for the info so-far and apologies for the slow speeds you seem to be having. Arceinne, CodeNamed1, and others who may be having issue: if you could please review the following FAQ and provide any information it details here in this thread, that may be helpful for our system admins. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do

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Getting a download speed of 2-300 kb/s at most, but it dived into the 60s at times even. I live in Hungary and I get an average of 203 ms when pinging the server in your FAQ. Also tried the test downloads, same speed.

Edited by Fyrcynn
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Thank you for the info so-far and apologies for the slow speeds you seem to be having. Arceinne, CodeNamed1, and others who may be having issue: if you could please review the following FAQ and provide any information it details here in this thread, that may be helpful for our system admins. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


It seems my speed fixed on its own. Must have been a temporarily bug

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