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Quicker Reloading?


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I made a custom .357 revolver that uses .40-70gov't ammo. it's based off "Lucky". I've tried increasing the multiplier/ Attack Multiplier, but all that did was make it shoot faster. Any help reducing reloading time? If possible, my goal is about 2-3 sec for all 6 shots to be loaded into the gun.


The actual numbers:

-Multiplier- 1.0000

-Attack Multiplier- 1.1000

-Attack/shots per sec- 2.7500

-Reload time- 0.6333

-Jam Time-0.000 (no jam after reload)


EDIT: Or if i could get help getting it to work with the "Rapid Reload" perk, that would work too.

Edited by masters117
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Multiplier (not attack multiplier) affects the animations for the weapon altogether...so that's an option. But if you want JUST the reload to be faster, and it's only important for the PC, I'd do this:


Create a new perk similar to Rapid Reload. Then give the weapon an object script that adds that perk OnEquip and removes it OnUnequip (blocktypes). Idk, that's my 5 second response, I'm at work right now :laugh:

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