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"oh well, they can figure it out for themselvews if they are coming; I am heading down to the cantina" Fenn thinks to himself and starts down the ramp into the docking bay. "Ok, you guys d owhatever but i'm leaving now, just letting you know" He then walks out of the spaceport into the streets."Maybe I should look for a public map of the city, I have no idea where the cantina actually is." Fenn says while shaking his head a little.
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"It is getting late, and I'm tired. After dinner, I can sleep on my ship, but you and our two other companions will have to find a hostel of some sort. I would recommend something cheap and low profile." Adrian tells Tiber. He then connects his ship' s computer (kind of like a PC attached to the ship) to the local internet, and begins to run searches on local gun laws and regulations, or lack thereoff. He also runs a basic overall search of the political situation on Habassa, which factions hold power, who is influetial, what groups law-abiding citizens should dissasociate from, etc.


Remembering Shadow's question, Firewell answers, "anything will be fine, so long as it is edible to humans and it doesn't taste so bad that to eat it I'd have to force it down my throat."

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"oh, you are very generous Mr. Firewell." Tiber says and walks away angered, as was his nature sometimes.


Looking for some havoc to cause Tiber begins wondering the spaceport, checking doors, landing bays, maybe even somone to rob if his mood was worse, but it wasn't and he passed by those oh so tempting vonorables sitting against the wall.


(search check)


ooc: just as a side note, I am trying to establish that my character is fairly negative, not that I think this way or anything if that makes sense.

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Adrian says out loud, and to no one in particular, "With this level of cooperation where are sure to follow each other into hell fairly soon." He sighs and turns back to his computer, hoping that at least when the chips are down, and the blasters are lighting up the air, everyone will do their part.


OOC: I wouldn't mind it much if it Adrian wasn't my real first name, but since it is, try to spell it correctly.

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