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DM Note: All original players, except Kethruch are Party #1. The new additions are Party #2. These aren't permanent groups, but for now, since you're all still together it's more convenient for typing replies.



To Party #1


The sun begins to sink lower in the sky, and around you, the spaceport traffic seems to be getting quieter. Those of you with any experience in Outer Rim travel know that the night brings both new dangers and opportunities, and it would be a good idea to secure a place to stay for the night soon.


To Kell:


The guard listens to your question, then points in the direction of the nearest public computer. His attitude is of clear boredom, as the question is apparently one he has heard far too many times.


To Gueldiar:


Your suspicion about the length of the search is correct, no doubt due to the fact that the poor droid is searching the planet's entire employment listings for you. You realize that the spaceport's network will likely have a listing of local jobs posted for pilots.

To Party #2

The brilliant blue and white of hyperspace disolves around you, to be replaced by pure black. Ahead, your destination is obvious. Habassa dominates your forward view, and as you fly closer, you begin to see the reflection of sunlight off orbital platforms.


"Habassan Defense Control to incoming ship, identify yourself." The message that interrupts your study of the planet is delivered with no obvious concern: it is apparently the standard challenge to incoming ships.

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Tiber, appearing as non threatening, human and small in stature is leaning against the hull of the ship behind the cockpit. Tiber runs his fingers along one of his rapiers thinking cassually of the pain it had inflicted on his enemies. He had barely spoke for the last day that they were in transit and knew only vague pointss of information he had picked up from the others conversations before he had lost interest. All that was on his mind now was spinning his blades into the flesh of an Imperial.



edit(lots of typos)


edit2: You've been stopped before reaching the planet, so I fixed your mistake.


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Gueldiar laughs at himself, realizing his error.


"Sorry, Max, cancel request." He says laughing. He looks around, trying to find a kiosk where he can have Max plug into.


"Max, spaceport schematics. Access kiosks priority in search." He says quietly. "Also list all ships that have arrived in last hour, and all of those that are scheduled to arrive in next hour." He'd done this before, knowing that the one way pilots were scarce, but many times an opening would go to the first one there.

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To Gueldiar:


The kiosk you are looking for is obvious, down the hall with a few travelers waiting in line.


While you are looking at it, Max beeps quietly and prints out the following list:


New Arrivals:


Artemisia, Light Gunship Class

Arrived 47 minutes ago from Etti IV, Bay 89

Cargo: None

Registered to: Captain Diero, Independent Pilot


Incoming Ships:


Indar II, Class 13 Heavy Freighter

Inbound from Kerest

Ariving in 4 minutes, Bay 25-28

Cargo: Starship components for Habassan Shipyards

Registered to AEC


DR13-A4, Imperial Transport

Arriving in 19 minutes, Bay 153

Additional information unavailable.


G'Rho'Uko, Light Frieighter

Inbound from Hutt Space

Arriving in 41 minutes, Bay 68

Cargo: Luxury Foods

Real Cargo: Illegal Goods

Registry information unavailable.

Unknown New Contact, Light Transport Class

Inbound from vector 234-116-309, no flight plan filed

Cargo: Unknown

Registry information unavailable.

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"Damn," Gueldiar says. "I knew that whole thing with the language modifications was a bad idea. Max, edit entry for timespans, under definition of 60 seconds. Correct spelling of entry to minutes 'm-i-n-u-t-e-s' from current incorrect spelling." He chuckles to himself, then goes on. Perhaps I should develop some very expensive tastes in what I eat? he thinks to himself.


Even if nothing comes of it, it's an excuse for him to get to his favorite place, the starport. "Max, check of credit balance." Perhaps he can get some of these 'Luxury foods' for himself, but he would like to be in a better financial position. At least it might get him some more contacts with an employer who might not be so picky about the food that spilled in the client's laps or the atmosphere sickness that occurred when he pulled out of some maneuvers at seven or eight Gs.


Looking at the line at the kiosk, he makes his decision and heads for the spacebays. He still had his pilot's credentials, and that should be enough to at least get him in, he hoped.


"Max - thank you." He says. "Give me the locations of the kiosks between here and the spacedocks." If it was going to take some time, perhaps there would be a less used kiosk along the way.


"Max - find the dock that the Indar II is heading toward. We'll go there first and check out things. If nothing else, it's much less obvious that our motives are unsavory if we are looking to a regular freighter for employment rather than the incoming Hutt ship."

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To Gueldiar:


The holographic map Max projects is almost unnecessary as you not so much hear as feel the roar of capital ship engines pass overhead. A ship that is obviously your intended destination passes slowly overhead, then descends into one of the larger docking bays. On the map, you see the docking bay marked just a short walk from where you are.


The trip is as fast as promised, the light crowd that is left so late in the day producing no delays. You arrive at a docking bay, not too different from the countless places you've seen in your travels. Through the doors, you can see the massive bulk of the Indar II. What looks like a high-ranking member of the crew is just inside the door, talking to a spaceport official.


OOC: The Indar II is a ship of this class, except with a full load of cargo containers attached to the center spine.

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OOC - Aw, you should have kept the old spelling - now my post doesn't make sense.......


Gueldiar heads over toward the door, and tries to get in a position to overhear what the conversation is about. He looks at Max, and pretends to be fiddling with him while he listens in. Instead, he is looking for any files on the ship's crew that would perhaps include the name and picture of the crewman.

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DeSuto, tired of waiting, leaves before anyone has the chance to stop him.


Once out in the spaceport area he scans his surroundings for open cantinas (search check); he knows quite well the dangers of the night, and isn't affraid to be one of them if the prize is worth it.


It's worth testing, he thinks, why not have a bit of fun in the process

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Anya quickly finishes her meal and stands up after Kell.


"It might be better if we can find a suite of rooms rather than individual rooms; we can coordinate information better if we are together." she says quietly. "The downside though is that if we are discovered, then all of our assets are in one place. Whatever we decide, we should do it soon. If we just stand around too long, we'll be noticed. Best way to find what we need is to ask a local."


She looks around the room at the dwindling throng looking for a likely prospect to ask.





OOC - Sorry, for not posting for so long. Our router blew and we only recently reacquired the internet. I'll try to be

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