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Of FormLists and References. How to use them


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OMG!!! Why didn't I think of that first thing? Manipulating the quests themselves sounds SO much better.


Also, about clothing and ingredients, I've started to delete those references without issue.


Lastly, I have actually tried using custom form lists for the categories I wanted to narrow down. I haven't really tried reducing the cell depth value, though.


I'll let yall know if what I'm trying next will work. Thanks for all the help.


EDIT: Wait. The existing mod has a pair of glasses as a toggle for the glow effect which manipulates quests... but I guess I could do away with that and have the controller and terminal windows manipulate the quests instead without a blanket toggle. I dunno. What do you think?


UPDATE: I also tried using the default quest script delay (5 seconds). The delay is such that I can try another idea rattling around in my head, making the alpha value of the shader fade in and out on an interval. It didn't work well before because the delay was set to .83 or some such. Now, I can likely add another intensity option "pulse" to the list of brightnesses... but not right now. I'll be looking into how to structure the terminal tree for quest manipulation first.

Edited by dpcollier128
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And to be clear about the custom list per type ... you just name it for that type , and in the script send the applicable type to that list. No adding form-ID's in the geck , in case that wasn't clear.

Not sure why they have the one list with a stimpak in it , other than it was a test , or possibly stimpaks required its own list ?

But keep in mind the processing logic , may in fact slow down with more lists , I just am not sure about that. Since it's between managing multiple lists , or iterating a longer list.

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Oh... Well, one could do that, but it wouldn't do much to minimize how many objects get checked. If you fill a FormList with the references from a cell that fit within a certain form type (not using the GECK to fill it), it doesn't do much to make a sub-type of a certain type of objects unless you further filter the form types checked by GetFirst and GetNext during reference walking (in my head, it's all objects in the cells checked > all objects which fit a form type ID like "containers" > all objects which fit both the form type "containers" and those which fit the sub-type of "first-aid kit/box"). Although, since my problem with the mod right now seems to be when the scripts check and paint too many objects at once, the act of lowering the cell depth might fix the issue on its own. If not, I'll no doubt ask for more help or use another method for lowering the processing load.


EDIT: Also, when it comes to making more quests to handle each glow color, I could actually use set glow colors per item category instead of giving users the option to change them all. Barring that, I could separate out the alpha intensity options into separate plugins, reducing the list of quests and possible shaders the chosen plugin loads by half. These are options for reducing list members (quest lists, shader lists, etc.) to down within usable limits for the game's systems. Or it's just some way to reduce user decision fatigue and modder mind-bogglement. I dunno. I'm just thinking about quality over quantity right now.

Edited by dpcollier128
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EDIT: Also, I'm curious to the viability of checking an item's weight or cap value with a script. If it's possible, I'd like to know how. Also, if one could check the weight or cap value of an item, does that also mean one could change those values dynamically through a script? In that case, would it be possible to change anything's data properties from the GECK (including effect shaders) from a script?


Sorry I missed this ... but don't worry about my mention of utilizing ownership / weight / value.

That was a mention before I looked at the mod structure ... and was misguided in understanding your goals ?

Ya they could work for more customization , but think at this juncture is just adding to much possibility confusion.


The cell depth / distance and LOS should give you the biggest impact presently. All the rest is more a result of my brain still comprehending stuff ... sorry :/

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EDIT: Also, I'm curious to the viability of checking an item's weight or cap value with a script. If it's possible, I'd like to know how. Also, if one could check the weight or cap value of an item, does that also mean one could change those values dynamically through a script? In that case, would it be possible to change anything's data properties from the GECK (including effect shaders) from a script?


Sorry I missed this ... but don't worry about my mention of utilizing ownership / weight / value.

That was a mention before I looked at the mod structure ... and was misguided in understanding your goals ?

Ya they could work for more customization , but think at this juncture is just adding to much possibility confusion.


The cell depth / distance and LOS should give you the biggest impact presently. All the rest is more a result of my brain still comprehending stuff ... sorry :/



Don't worry about it. :smile: I'm just starting to figure out how to streamline this mod more myself. I'll see how well reducing the cell depth works first.


UPDATE: Reducing cell depth definitely worked, and I also tried using a tricksy way of checking for a list of items. It's done in a messy way, but much more compact than I was doing it. What I did was make two int variables "exclude" and "include" then set them both to 0 by default. I check the current reference against an item editor ID with GetIsID by ORing it with either of these variables. Then, I have the exclude check result in the script doing nothing (this is in each of the main category scripts). After the exclude, I have the include check result in the script painting the object in question with a default effect shader. It's not really what it sounds like as I still use form type ID during reference walking to paint anything outside of the "exclude" and "include" checks with the customized color selected in-game using global variables. The "include" color is something noticeable like magenta, reminiscent of a mesh error color. I did all this because my more specific item group scripts weren't working as expected, not even for bobby pins or caps. The main categories could be overwriting the more specific searches, but this other method seems to work just fine... It just doesn't seem like this way of painting specific items with unique colors is going to give itself well to customization very easily or neatly. Although, that doesn't really matter. It works at least for me. I'll keep looking into making this mod more efficient for others and possibly ask the original mod's author if I may repost a new version. For now, it's just a hobby.

Edited by dpcollier128
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