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Vortex Install Order Changing


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So far, using Vortex has been a great experience with no real issues except for one.


When I install mods, Vortex displays the mods in the order that I am installing them and assigns a number next to each mod. The numbers placed next to the mods based on the install order works great until I shut Vortex down and re-open it.


After re-starting Vortex, a mod that might have been installed a day or two ago as mod number 1 is now showing as mod number 95 in the install order. Imho, this is extremely frustrating especially when slowly building up a Skyrim SE install with one mod at time. It would be nice to have the install order not change so I could easily reference the last mod that was installed before closing the program.


I do realize the install order shown on the screen does not matter so long as there are no conflicts and time is taken to make sure appropriate mods are loaded before or after one another.


Am I missing something here?


Advice would be most appreciated!

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So, rather than editing my own post to cover up the fact that I am an idiot, I figured I would leave it as is in the hopes that someone might find it useful.


Not one minute after I, the monkey, flipped the switch I found a column where I could sort all of the mods based in the install time....doh!



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Don't sweat it. Happens to all of us. And is infinitely better than all the ignorant bashing that's going on everywhere these days.


Grestorn, thank you for the swift reply to my issue. :thumbsup:


Vortex has turned out to be a very nice and easy to use mod installer especially after a short learning curve: beats the heck out of trying to install mods in Oblivion back in the day and correct conflicts!



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I've never used the InstallOrder number for mods, and honestly I don't even know what it really stands for.


The "install order" for mods has the same meaning as "load order" for plugins has.


Unless where are some file conflicts between mods the "install order" doesn't mean anything, but with file conflicts the mod with highest "install order" is loaded last and it's files wins the conflicts.


Filtering by the Dependency-column and sorting by the "install order" is the most relevant usage, since this makes it easier to see if you've mixed-up "load before…" and "load after…" when you resolved the conflicts.

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I've never used the InstallOrder number for mods, and honestly I don't even know what it really stands for.


The "install order" for mods has the same meaning as "load order" for plugins has.


Unless where are some file conflicts between mods the "install order" doesn't mean anything, but with file conflicts the mod with highest "install order" is loaded last and it's files wins the conflicts.


Filtering by the Dependency-column and sorting by the "install order" is the most relevant usage, since this makes it easier to see if you've mixed-up "load before…" and "load after…" when you resolved the conflicts.



Great tip and thank you! I had no idea about that one.


One issue that confuses me is how to set the load order of ESP's etc with Vortex. For example, there are times where I need to move the "Alternate Start" file down to the bottom of the load order but have not figured out a way to do that with Vortex. So far, I have to rely on the auto sort function and hope that it has an IQ on the higher end of the spectrum:) Ordering mods based on conflicts and having one mod overwrite another for compatibility purposes is no problem.


So far, I have managed to install 210 mods with 108 plugins as a first time Vortex user and my game has yet to explode on me :laugh:






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Don't move the esps by hand, just because someone tells you. Vortex gets it right by itself in almost all cases - it uses LOOT internally and the LOOT masterlist is very well supported.


Even if Arthmoor himself doesn't want to believe that and fights it with every fiber of his being.

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