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Hall of the Dead in Whiterun


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Hi Everyone:


I just discovered whilst playing in Whiterun the other day, that when you happened to kill a lot of folks ( on one of the rampages..lol), you can go to the Hall of the Dead, and loot their coffins, instead of looting their bodies when you first kill them.


I did that small quest for the priest, to retrieve his amulet, and discovered this by accident. It was cool, but a bit creepy..lol!


Not sure if this was a spoiler, but I didn't want anyone to get mad at me just in case if I had posted it somewhere else :P

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All killable NPCs in the 5 major towns are supposed to have coffins, or urns, that their bodies, or ashes, are placed in after death.


However many of them dont due to them not being assigned one, IIRc the Unofficial skyrim patch assigns them formerly empty urns and stuff.

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I just found this place earlier while exploring Whiterun, it is on the westside basement of the keep. The quest is very easy, Andurs gave me a cheap reward for finding his amulet so I went back and steal a few more gold while he's sleeping :biggrin:
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funny thing is. If u accept the quest and go into the tombs, the skeletons will chase you(obviously). If you escape through the door, they will follow you. Thats how Andurs died...

oh well, guess whiterun needs a new hallofthedeadperson

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