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Airwalking / Collision Bug


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Everything was okay. I entered Markarth to go pursue cannibalism and all of a sudden I am stuck with this game breaking glitch.


Let me give you a scenario. Take a flight of stairs. Now imagine my character standing in the middle of that flight of stairs, facing the declining steps. Normally when you walk forward... your character declines and the steps decline. However, when I walk forward, my character walks in the air as if he is walking on a separate plane.


Now, if I walk backwards toward the ascending stairs.... my character walks through the staircase and if I went into the console and entered in "tcl". I can assure you that collision in the console is turned ON so my character should be behaving normally but this is not the case. I fast traveled to another city and the same thing applies. Anyone know a fix for this glitch or have any ideas?


I would really hate to have to quit yet ANOTHER character due to a game-breaking glitch. I will not play the game with collision off so that I can walk up and down. I just had to make a new character 2 weeks ago because of a game-breaking glitch and if I can't fix this one I will probably move on to another game.

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I saw your post on my mod comments. I am saddened to hear of your unfortunate glitch. I personally have never heard of anything like this happening, nor have I ever experienced it myself. I wish I could help you, but I can think of no solutions at the moment. I did not mean to post here without a solution and the intent of disheartening you; I just wanted to let you know someone out here in the interwebs has heard your plea for help. I sincerely hope you find a fix for this odd glitch. I know how frustrating it can be to have a game-breaking glitch.

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I saw your post on my mod comments. I am saddened to hear of your unfortunate glitch. I personally have never heard of anything like this happening, nor have I ever experienced it myself. I wish I could help you, but I can think of no solutions at the moment. I did not mean to post here without a solution and the intent of disheartening you; I just wanted to let you know someone out here in the interwebs has heard your plea for help. I sincerely hope you find a fix for this odd glitch. I know how frustrating it can be to have a game-breaking glitch.


Thanks for the reply. It's good to know that someone on here reads my forum posts lol. I ended up starting a new character. I am saving like crazy now (crazier than before) and this being my 3rd restart I am keeping a very close eye out for any glitches. I hate that this game is so f***ed up but so annoyingly good that I can't stop playing it.

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Mods that add new worldspaces are known to mess things up... but I've never heard of this type of glitch before, even in Fallout and Oblivion.

It could of just been a 1-off glitch that happened to stick.

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This was a more common issue back in November but it looks like it has reappeared; I've seen a couple related posts. Since 1.6 I had something similar happen with me, just once, with my follower. I suspect it might have had to do with horses for followers or UFO, as my follower went spinning after dismounting. I updated UFO to the latest, removed HFF, since UFO has pretty much incorporated the functions I was using HFF for. I don't know for sure that this was what solved the problem, but I have not experienced that since.

Hope something here helps you!

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  • 3 years later...
  • 4 months later...

thanks ven of that tip, worked for me too (collisions broke during diplomatic immunity, I guess cause was some of these: dephine took few mod added quest related items into chest, fast travel was disabled in frostfall, glitching revered dragon attacked embassy when arrived there (it was stuck outside keeping guards and stewards busy till they slayed it:D),bolag mals inferno adds oblivion gate near embassy, fight against thalmor part 1 is close by, AFT could have caused follower script error even thouhg I parked them into solotude before starting quest, convient horss could have had also script error on arrival) and apparently made this part way too easy as enemies were stuck too

Edited by raven0ak
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