Norstaera Posted November 10, 2018 Share Posted November 10, 2018 I know this is an issue, whenever you change your character's appearance in Racemenu your game is saved in a new character slot. My single dragonborn playthrough is saved among 5 or 6 different character slots so that I can't see the history of my gameplay (much less manage my saves effectively) in one screen. Yes, I can select the option to see all characters, but that is still not very satisfactory. Has anybody come up with a way to combine/connect these saves so they properly belong to one character? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nashman10 Posted November 30, 2019 Share Posted November 30, 2019 I don't know why this hasn't had more attention, it seems like it'd be an easy fix Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anjenthedog Posted November 30, 2019 Share Posted November 30, 2019 BOSSE seems to have some capacity for managing that behavior. I have it installed but haven't really dug in too much. Discovered by accident that one of the hotkeys was assigned to undress the user. But if you held the key for ~2 seconds, and let off, it would instead display a menu of choices for saving and loading and altering various aspects of the player. Like I said, I haven't fiddled with it much, (most I really use it for is resetting the player's facial expression when it gets stuck in an angry pose or whatever), but you might check it out. (above left behind just in case it still has merit but I think I misread your post first time through) PS> on re-reading your post, I wonder if a query I just posted might be related. Have you ever saved manually? via console save "BobMage_L54_in_whiterun"save "BobTookADifferentTurn_L55_in_Windhelm"etc The autosaves screw that idea up a little bit, but if you consistently start play with the "proper" save file and end the "day" by saving in another "BobMage" or BobTookADifferentTurn" (or whatever) variation (ex: BobMage_now_in_Markarth_L54) to remain consistent with that play vector, you should be good to go for identifying which is which later. (Oh, and doing so also brackets any autosaves in between the two "BobMage" savefiles so you don't end up with crossed eyes from trying to figure out what's what.) I have two characters and five different vectors going between them, so I'm right there myself. The potential caveat is why I posted my own query ...basically asking the community if saving manually is as good/safe/etc as saving via the MCM. We'll have to wait and see what the response to that is... (But I do use manual far with no problems, but who knows, I could be shooting myself in the foot and slowly turning my game save into a virtual midden heap for all I know. Closing: Got an answer regarding MCM-initiated file save vs using console saves. I was told that the "cost" is that if you save via console, you can only load those console-command-saved games from the opening menu when you first launch Skyrim, (ie I was told that you can't load console saved files once in-game, since the MCM file laod doesn't recognize them. (I guess a console based save is dropped into a different folder or something)... I'll have to verify, but at least for me, it's a cost I'll bear) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OneWithBacon Posted May 6, 2021 Share Posted May 6, 2021 I was confused at first why my new loadout on MO2 had this happening when I had never had this issue before. I decided to go through some of my mods and test which one might have fixed it, and I ran across Achievements Mods Enabler, which is a mod that has a feature that makes a new save file for you if your old one was tagged as modded, and couldn't have achievements enabled. I still need someone to test if this really fixes the problem for new saves. Here's the link to the mod, please make a post if you test it out: link is obviously for SE, I don't think oldrim had save profiles anyway, so I'm pretty sure this is version specific. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helmsmasher Posted May 7, 2021 Share Posted May 7, 2021 Can't you just overwrite an older save instead of making a new save everytime? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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