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spell of possession


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Just had an idea for a new spell, but don't have the skill to do it myself, hence I make this request.


I would like a "spell of possession", that is, a spell that assumes control of the target creature. So when a creature is hit by the spell, you stop controlling your own body, and starts playing as the other creature for a certain duration of time. Of course, other NPCs shouldnt be "aware" of this.


For example, say that you are wandering in the wilderness and spot a group of bandits far away running towards you. If they are too close, it might be suicide to use the spell since your "real" body wont be able to defend itself. If they are far away enough though, you can use the spell to control one of them, and stab them in the back, since they aren't initially hostile towards the bandit you are currently controlling.


It would lead to quite fun gameplay when you can simply assume control of one enemy and walk of a cliff to make him commit suicide, or make stealth more interesting when you can freely move around other enemies that thinks you are one of them.


Another fun mechanic could be (although this might be really hard to do) to use the spell on a strong enemy, then kill your original body while possessing the new one, and this makes your "soul" stay in the new body without any timelimit, and you have access to your old + new spells belonging to the host creature.

Edited by amycus
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The Papyrus function SetPlayerControls could be used to take control of a targeted creature - of course getting the camera to function properly might be a hassle, I don't know how that's done (the Nexus does have modders that do, though). I assume you'd have to have a quest either constantly running or starting when you cast the spell - probably the former - so that you could assign the reference (ie. your target) as an alias, and manipulate it with a scripted spell effect.


I'm not sure if the player would retain enemy hostility gathered by a possessed creature... it could be that you'd have to script that out. All in all, though, I'd put this in the "do-able" category.

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