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Weird CBBE issue - Boobies of the Dead <NSFW>


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So I installed CBBE as per the instructions, and for the most part, everything is working great. However, things kinda go to hell whenever I loot the corpse of a female NPC, as this uh, rather horrifying image shows:




Unfortunately, I'm still rather new to modding and PC games in general, so I have no idea what's wrong or what to do. Anyone got any idea how to remedy this? Thanks guys!

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Have you had other replacers? Sometimes they'll do weird things when you change replacers and go through new ones and overwrite old ones and so forth. I had that happen to me a few times on oblivion.







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Have you had other replacers? Sometimes they'll do weird things when you change replacers and go through new ones and overwrite old ones and so forth. I had that happen to me a few times on oblivion.



I originally had UNPB before I switched to CBBE. Is that a possible cause? If so, what should I do?

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Yeah, that would be a problem if they overwrite/underwrite the same files. *ponder* When that happened to me, i went through the textures and deleted anything having to do with females and then re-installed the wanted mod.


I wonder if it would be possible to just delete the entire texture folder and then have steam download the necesarry ones when you do a file integrity check? I should try that right now after I back it up!

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