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More shouts mod


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Hello everyone! Before starting, I'm sorry if I have a bad english (I'm french).


So, I was playing Skyrim and I noticed a lot of shouts that we could not have or some shouts it would be cool to use. I checked on the nexus site but I have never find what I was looking for. So, here are the shouts I am talking about and their potential effects:



Like Alduin does, this shout would creates a mist that makes you undetectable (people inside can't see you) and if someone die in the mist, you capture his soul.



This shout would resurrect any creature even dragons forever but it would cost a soul or a dragon soul.



Like Durnehviir, you can summon boneman, mistman and wrathman for 60s.



The first word of this shout "bex" is used by a greybeard to open a gate. I just chose the two other words "zrah"(key) "hok"(cross). This shout would unlock doors and chests depending of the power of the shout.

If a door is already unlocked, it would open it like greybeard does.



This shout is used by Tsun in Sovngarde to send the Dragonborn in Skyrim. It would be grate to use it yourself. But that implies a shout to return in Sovngarde. How about

-ZIN SHUR PRAAN (honnor-go-rest)



This words mean "rock-fall-blaze". This shout would simply be the Alduin storm call but with words.



"rage-sauvage-slay" This shout would be similar to Dismay Shout but with a Frenzy effect.



"flash-thunder-impact" Just a equivalent of fire and frost breath but with shock effect.



The famous shout used by Miraak to kill dragons. There is already a mod for this shout but it removes the RAAN MIR TAH shout.



I know that Wyrmstooth mod adds this shout but It would be better to have a most simple mod to get it.(don't need to get this heavy mod).


Here we go. I know that there are mods that adds some of this shouts like Resurrect Dragon, Shock Breath...But I think it would be so cool to have a mod that implements all those shouts with their own VOICE SOUNDS and their own WORDS. I hope someone will think about my idea :-)

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I know some of the Miraak shouts can be found in this mod called Apocrypha shouts.



A lot of the mods you requested might be difficult to make (or at least have the desired effect). However, The Thunder Child mod has a lot of voiced shouts, some of which have effects similar to your request and several new shouts that are very unique and well done.



Of the mods you've listed I think you'll have a hard time finding or convincing someone to create Nahl Dal Vus, Slen Tiid Vo, and Ven Mul Riik (as much as I'd like that one two). But Thunderchild has a lot of good ones that have similar effect to FIIK Lo Sah, Alduin's Storm Shout, and others. I highly recommend checking out the mods above.

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I have already check Thunderchild, but this is not what I would really want cause it adds too many shouts. The goal of my idea is to regroup unavailable shouts of the game with the same words of power and same effects. But thank you for responding :smile:

Definitely check Apocrypha shouts then. It might not have all the ones you want, but it has at least some of them and if I recall correctly they were voiced shouts (albeit with Miraak's voice). I think it also fixes/enhances some shouts that were underwhelming (but I might be thinking of a different Mod).

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Hello WakahisaSensei, I've checked the mod you advised me. But if people are able to make this kind of mod, I think it would be possible to create all the shouts I mentioned. Even if Apocrypha Shouts adds a few shouts like Devour Soul, I would really love to have a mod that adds all the shouts I expect, with corresponding words and voices.


Maybe I hope too much, maybe it's too hard to mod, but if I knew anything about modding, I would try myself but this is not the case :(


Thanks anyway WakahisaSensei !!!;)

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The only way you'll get "all the shouts [you] expect" is to make it yourself. Mod creation, especially when it comes to magic, really isn't all that difficult. Why not make this your first project? There are plenty of resources to get you started, and your ideas are simple enough that you shouldn't have too much trouble realizing them.

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The problem is that I don't know anything about scripts or programms...As you told me, I could maybe try even if creating a mod like that would be very hard for someone like me. Do you know any easy tutorials to learn modding for people who start like me?


Thank you for responding by the way!

Edited by Nathan71
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