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S.O.U.L (The Ghost in the machine)


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Let me start by saying I have never modded or tried modding this race will need a very good advanced modder/modders

please contact me at [email protected]

Background story- Will be made after completion of mod


Stat Male Female


Agility- 50 50 Very nimble due to being a machine and having little feeling

Endurance- 55 50 body made of extremely durable light carbon fiber metals

Intelligence- 25 25 give a new soul therefore knows little about anything except basic needs

Luck- 50 50 every being starts with a equal chance in life

Personality- 30 30 being programmed only with basic human responses he must learn the rest

Speed- 40 45 made of light carbon fiber metals therefore still has decent running

Strength- 55 55 strong metals allow it to start out above average race

Willpower- 0 0 Life has little meaning when you were created in a lab and given an artificial soul. what is your purpose? (Might want to use S.O.U.L class that comes with)


Height- 1.03 1.0

Weight- 1.03 1.0


Skills- Hand to Hand +5

Athletics +10

Acrobatics +5

Marksman +10


Resist- Frost -35

Electric 35

Disease 100


All disposition is set to -10


Racial Abilities-


Soul Search (Can only be cast once a day. Leave your robotic shell in the form of a spirit, you will not be able to touch anything, no one can see you. in this for you can move through walls and explore, you can fly without wings and wont be able to equip any items all your spells will be removed accept, Soul transfer, and will not be able to fight. Your body or robotic shell will stand lifeless where every you left it and if it is attacked your soul form will take the damage and if destroyed you will die and must restart from last save) so damage done to the shell is the only way to do damage to the spirit. to go back into the shell the spirit must go all the way back to in and go inside it


Soul Transfer (This ability can only be used while in Soul Search. It allows your soul to enter the body of to enter the body of another and take control of them for a maximum of 5 mins. If the person you control is killed then you will automatically go back into soul search with no penalties added to your character)


Electrical Renewal (can only be used when you have a skin equipped [read about skin bellow]. This ability sets all equipped items durability to zero which means if used the skins durability is automatically back to zero so best to use when only the skins are equipped but if used when in battle might not be so good to unequip armor because you cant while attacking. The benefits of electric renewal is that it temporarily stuns all npc's within a 10 while renewing all mp an half of a players hp over 10 secs.


Race Items

Skins- Uses amulet, ring, or tail slot. Equips a human skin (there will be different variants such as tall, medium, short, fat skinny, muscular, brown (African American), white (Caucasian), yellow (Asian). The skins will cover over the androids whole body and will be still able to see it under clothes and armor (kind of like a external skin similar to that of the robots in terminator except it will be bald). Depending on the variant of the skin you choice your android will look that height, size, and race; unless the skin is unequipped where the android will revert back to its orginal robotic looks For added aesthetics with these skins wigs, beards, and ears should be worn These skins will have durability and when that durability wheres off they must be fixed otherwise you will have to walk around in your original robotic appearance where you will have a disposition of -10 among all races. when the skins are equipped your disposition among other races will be +5. At 50 percent durability you will have a disposition of -5 (may not add this 50% disposition feature depending on if modder will be able to make happen). Once again i want to stress that clothes and armor will be able to be added over these and it will still have the human appearance just with those selected items on that is why i want this item to be equipped in a amulet, ring, or tail slot unless there is a better slot that can be used.another feature of the skins is that it will allow this race to use the Electric Renewal ability.


Soul Class- Last is the Soul Class this class will be similar to the atronarch class where it let the race renew mp by absorbing magical attacks except on a bases where through to much magical absorption the race will start to take magical damage if the mp meter is full


Below are the androids without the skins and not in soul form











Below are the androids in soul/spirit search form- u will basically look like a little ball of light but no one can see you






Below are the skins just ideas on how i would like them to look and in the the places of where the eyes should be shown will be eyes the color of the players characters eyes. for examples of this use fiok equippable body variants but i dont want the skins to change to match the player i want the player to change (body color, size, height) to match the skins


Below are the skins with the race inside this is how they should look when they are equipped and no clothes on nude preferably









Below are just some races with the skins equipped and clothes on. some are examples with wigs equipped, basically just like any other human with clothes





Edited by entect
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Guess a lore friendly way, might be a clockwork dwemer tech human. Theirs also desuchan perscom race. One called MU race. Can use something like spb assassin doll armor.
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Guess a lore friendly way, might be a clockwork dwemer tech human. Theirs also desuchan perscom race. One called MU race. Can use something like spb assassin doll armor.


Thank you very much for your comment. I am well aware of all those mod but this mod is like none of those did you the description? The only thing that is the same is the fact they they are both versions of a humanoid yet trust me this one will be way better, next i'm not going for a lore friendly dwemer name this wasn't created by dwemer, but trust me the background story will be lore friendly I already know of a great story to implement it into the game in a lore friendly way according while using the given specifications ;). I am great at background stories and right now im looking for a modder make this mod since i have little modding knowledge, yet alas if i do not find someone i will have to learn about modding on my own and attempt to create a my first mod as a great one.

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Interesting idea, and I don't care the least about 'lore' and am a fan of 'weasel lore' (explanations you come up with to put your own lore into the game's), but from a technical point of view there's some huge road blocks ahead with the intended functioning of the 'skins' as you described it. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it'll be far from easy and a lot of work.


You know, in Oblivion the body comes with the clothes. It is literally "included" in every clothing item. It doesn't matter if you wear an amulet equipping a skeletal appearance on you, as soon as you equip an item, say a shirt with short sleeves, you will also equip a part of a humanoid body, in this case the arms.


There were some different approaches to go about this, like removing the body parts from inside every clothing and/or armor item, but when it comes to mod-added items, you sure can see where the real trouble lies... they're 'unlimited' numbers of files to change.

Another approach along the same line came up with a NifScript (NifSE?) function to automatically remove every mesh with material name "skin" (case doesn't matter) from the item's NIF you just equipped... but I don't know how far this part of NifScripts' development has come since then.


In the game there is only '1' set of body meshes, and they're shared by 'all' races. The only thing that can be changed is the overall 'size' of a race, but this won't make it any more muscular or things like this. And a totally different shape for only a specific race can only be achieved by scripted trickery and always runs into the limitation of the body meshes contained in every item.


I know what I'm talking of, as my dragon race has the exact same limitations. I have to adapt each and every single item, Vanilla game or mod-added, at one point or another, or my dragons can't equip it, without loosing their unique body shapes. I'm using an approach to replace ony the visuals of an item with generic placeholders (cloth wraps only for now), but if you equip a big, bulky, expertly crafted and beautifully ornamented steel armor with a unique design you're literally in love with, only to end up with plain simple brown cloth wraps all over... you start doubting the use of the mod.


If my free time wasn't so limited lately, I would've created at least complete Stock Replacements for all Vanilla clothes and armors by now... but without free time I didn't even succeed with getting this job done so far.


Now you want to have a set of... how many? A dozen or more?... different body shapes under all clothes and armors equippable by the race. This multiplies even the amount of adapted files I have to create for my dragons by a literal dozen or more... and what's "infinity multiplied by a dozen" other than a really insane amount of work?


Again, not saying it can't be done. But definitively certain restrictions or limitations have to be introduced for this to become feasible. The game's limitations are just hard to overcome, yet still far from impossible.

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Interesting idea, and I don't care the least about 'lore' and am a fan of 'weasel lore' (explanations you come up with to put your own lore into the game's), but from a technical point of view there's some huge road blocks ahead with the intended functioning of the 'skins' as you described it. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it'll be far from easy and a lot of work.


You know, in Oblivion the body comes with the clothes. It is literally "included" in every clothing item. It doesn't matter if you wear an amulet equipping a skeletal appearance on you, as soon as you equip an item, say a shirt with short sleeves, you will also equip a part of a humanoid body, in this case the arms.


There were some different approaches to go about this, like removing the body parts from inside every clothing and/or armor item, but when it comes to mod-added items, you sure can see where the real trouble lies... they're 'unlimited' numbers of files to change.

Another approach along the same line came up with a NifScript (NifSE?) function to automatically remove every mesh with material name "skin" (case doesn't matter) from the item's NIF you just equipped... but I don't know how far this part of NifScripts' development has come since then.


In the game there is only '1' set of body meshes, and they're shared by 'all' races. The only thing that can be changed is the overall 'size' of a race, but this won't make it any more muscular or things like this. And a totally different shape for only a specific race can only be achieved by scripted trickery and always runs into the limitation of the body meshes contained in every item.


I know what I'm talking of, as my dragon race has the exact same limitations. I have to adapt each and every single item, Vanilla game or mod-added, at one point or another, or my dragons can't equip it, without loosing their unique body shapes. I'm using an approach to replace ony the visuals of an item with generic placeholders (cloth wraps only for now), but if you equip a big, bulky, expertly crafted and beautifully ornamented steel armor with a unique design you're literally in love with, only to end up with plain simple brown cloth wraps all over... you start doubting the use of the mod.


If my free time wasn't so limited lately, I would've created at least complete Stock Replacements for all Vanilla clothes and armors by now... but without free time I didn't even succeed with getting this job done so far.


Now you want to have a set of... how many? A dozen or more?... different body shapes under all clothes and armors equippable by the race. This multiplies even the amount of adapted files I have to create for my dragons by a literal dozen or more... and what's "infinity multiplied by a dozen" other than a really insane amount of work?


Again, not saying it can't be done. But definitively certain restrictions or limitations have to be introduced for this to become feasible. The game's limitations are just hard to overcome, yet still far from impossible.


You have made very interesting points which i did not know about now that you said that i wouldnt mind if someone would just make one skin with the specifications i have in all honesty even if they could make it so that when other armors and stuff are worn only the visible skin parts that the armor doesnt automatically change will change to fit that armors skin color and outlook.


For example it would be great if you or a modder could make it so that human skin is only fully viewable when the skin is equipped with no armor this will make the character look like a normal naked human. but when armor is equipped the viewable parts of the equipped skin that is not a part of the armors "skin" will adapt to go with that armor skin color and specs. Therefore the face may still remain human and blend in with the visible parts of the skin that the armor produced from as you said the already " included body".

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The amulet of souls can be an example of how it should look when the Humanoids soul goes into soul search form, and that body thats left lying on the floor is the one that can still be attacked so that the player still loses health thats why it will be unwise to use the ability when the character is already being attacked
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