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Why do Manakins keep moving?


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'Cuz they want to get to the other side of the road? :biggrin:


Seriously though, manakins are actors too, but they have a script that makes them stop moving that only triggers when you enter the room which is then cached so they don't move again until you exit the game. I think there's a mod out that changes the code so they never move even without the player's presence.

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'Cuz they want to get to the other side of the road? :biggrin:


Seriously though, manakins are actors too, but they have a script that makes them stop moving that only triggers when you enter the room which is then cached so they don't move again until you exit the game. I think there's a mod out that changes the code so they never move even without the player's presence.


Ideas to where I can find this mod? What if I just remove the script and leave it empty?

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it will wander around. They had to give it travel package to editor location in 0 radius, as I would do. Probably they set it to ignore player hits and his desperate tries to communicate with the manikin . Also they probably added equip script. Actually I'll go to have a look at this script right now :P .
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haven't had any mannequins move in months. thought they had fixed that bug. the mod that fixes it is around but if you're not updated past 1.4 then that may be your fix because i've logged 200 hours since 1.5 hit and haven't seen one move yet


Running latest version of Skyrim and CK. I did remove the script and yes it did still wander. Another thing is that when I went to activate it, should mention I wanted to use the manakins as suits of armour displays so equipped them with bandedironarmourALLoutfit, dwarvenALLoutfit, etc, anyway when I went to activate them which I don't want to do as a display manakin I get the "Talk to" not "Activate" message. Still can't talk to or activate anything i.e. can't take the armour if I wanted.

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I got so annoyed at my moving mannequin that I just gave up and a made a follower mod with a mannequin: Mannequin Follower. If mannequins want to move so badly, maybe I should just put this fact to good use. Now I have a mannequin that can both display my armor and go dungeon crawling with me at the same time.
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