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Crash after logo


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Hello im having the crash after logo problem, it started happening out of the blue one day a while back, i tried deleting my skyrim ini files from my games/skyrim, i tried turning off all my mods and i tried setting my sound channels to every single option including 24bit 48k hz, also having steam verify the games integrity. None of these worked.


I deleted the whole game including the my games/skyrim folder and everything else. Upon reinstalling the game worked finally, i next tried to load up a handful of mods from the steam workshop just to see if my game would kindly not break this time, lo and behold the game broke again and crashes after the bethesda logo. Now i have tried disabling and even deleting those mods i installed and tried all the fixes i tried last time and the game still wont load.


Can someone please help me?

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I will try...but I may need more info.


Have you already tried basic computer optimization? (Cleaned your cache, defragged, scanned for viruses shut down background programs, etc)

Are you using something like CPU-Z to monitor your computer, and if so, what is going on at the crash? (For example maxing out on RAM or VRAM, temps....or does it look normal?)

Are you overclocking and if so have you tried going back to the default settings?

Are you using anything to limit your fps (Thanks to Kievkev, I found that 30 fps was causing my loading slowdown, and fixed it simply by going to 35)

Did you change anything before you noticed the problem (new gaphics fdrivers, updated to 1.6 patch, even stuff like new antivirus program, etc)

Have you disabled the autosave option, tried saving indoors and waiting a week in-game time to reset? (Although with vanilla skyrim this may not be relevant)

If you ever made changes to your .ini files the 1.6 patch may have overwritten them, and also changed your basic skyrim graphics settings....have you rechecked these and fixed as needed?


If you've done all that, and it is still not working:

What are your comp specs (Processor, RAM, CPU and VRAM)

Are you running the official steam version, with the latest patch?

How do you try to launch (skse launcher, NMM, steam)

If you are using SKSE is it the latest one?

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