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EMP Spears!


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I've been using a mix of throwing spears and proton throwing axes, and I thought to myself: Why not make a throwing spear that does EMP damage? Think a mix of the above but in spear form and you wouldn't be far off. Imagine some raider, tribal, or Legionary destroying someone in power armor with this--awesome!


Ditto a melee form of these spears. I'm thinking these should do about 10 more damage than the clean knife spears from Dead Money, but with EMP damage. Imagine a proton axe but with a glowing spearhead instead of an axe blade. And it should do about as much damage as the proton axe.


Make both types of spears craftable, too. I think 1 throwing spear or knife spear, 3 knives or cosmic knives, 1 conductor, and 1 fission battery sounds about right. And inversal versions doing a bit more damage would also be nice. Repair the two-handed version with all the spears and axes (all two-handed melee weapons with Jury Rigging) and you're good. Put one two-handed spear and a cache of throwing spears in that home of all weapon and armor mods, Doc Mitchell's house; and more caches in Big MT, Zion, Hidden Valley, and all the major vendors (Gun Runners, Mick, etc.).


I'd say we're looking at assets from Dead Money and Old World Blues for this.

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