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Gift-Giving In The Wastes


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I have a lot of fun with reverse-pickpocketing - whether doing the 'Shady Sands Shuffle' on Slavers at the Lincoln Memorial, or giving the snootier residents of Tempenny Tower some REALLY interesting outfits to wear.


But it should be easier to simply GIVE stuff to factions that you are friendly with. Big Town is a good example - once I complete the base quest there, I usually start re-equipping the residents with better armors and weapons (usually taken from Talon Company). As the game stands, this means a lot of stealthing and a certain amount of Karma loss, just to give out valuable stuff that is to the recipient's benefit.


I mean, think about it. You struggle to survive in the Wastes with nothing but a Brahmin-Skin Outfit and a .32 Pistol. Your buddy the LW wants to give you (for argument's sake) Power Armor and a minigun. Unless you are a hard-core pacifist, you will probably accept this offer. Graciously.


For Evil types, the idea of re-equipping their buddies at Paradise Falls with BOS armour might hold appeal. Or even just solving age-old questions like, what happens if I give everybody in Underworld their own Fat Man, then unplug Cerberus's inhibitor?


This mod should be a strictly one-way thing. That is, you can give stuff away, but not take anything back - to prevent people from simply taking one-of-a-kind items from whichever NPC they deal with.


Don't know how doable this is. but thought I would at least float the idea.

Edited by 7thsealord
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