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Dragonborn Quest Will Not Start


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the placeatme command actually spawns a duplicate NPC and, afaik, will result in an NPC with dialogue and AI wonkiness.


What's weird is I thought Irileth was essential (could be wrong on that one)




if you can go back to a save before using the placeatme thing, you could try


player.moveto <irileth ref id>


if she's dead, use "resurrect" to revive her. Then go to dragonsreach and use the prid/ moveto player command to get her back to where she belongs


to do the disable/enable thing, assuming you can get her revived and in front of you, just go into console, click on her (make sure her ref id is shown on screen to be sure you're not clicking behind or beside her or something), type:


disable [return]

enable [return]


then exit console


Good luck!

Edited by kevkiev
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Unfortunately, no luck. I can get her in Dragonreach, but she won't initiate the quest. I can speak to her, but she won't tell me about the dragon.


Do I need to go to the western tower and spawn the dragon?

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I suppose you have nothing to lose, but if the quest isn't active in your journal, I don't think that spawning the dragon will do anything. (Stranger things have happened tho I guess)


I'm wondering if using setstage doesn't work unless the quest has already been started in your journal. Can you go back to a save before you gave the dragonstone to Farangar (that save will also be uncluttered with any console commands related to this quest) and simply redo the sequence leading to where the dragon rising is supposed to trigger?


If that doesn't work, and setstage does in fact work where a quest hasn't been started (I honestly don't know if that's the case) maybe at that point try completing the entire quest through console.


i.e. "setstage MQ104 160"


Before doing anything though, verify your game cache through steam. Maybe there's something wonky in your game files.

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Going back to level 4 from level 54 and losing 200+ gaming hours isn't an option.


I'll try the setstage options and verifying the cache.


You're right, spawning the dragon didn't help.


I'm beginning to think I'm just screwed. Maybe Diablo III will have to occupy my time.

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Thanks for all the suggestions by the way.


Not a problem. I've read a few things about this bug and, unfortunately, none contained a solution except where it was caused by Dovahkiin Hideout in which case it was an easy fix. For other cases, not such good news. And it seems to affect some people's games even with no mods running.


Anyways, I wonder if the game recognizes that you've completed the bleak fall barrows quest - you can find out by using player.sqs MQ103 to see if the final stage 190 is complete (it'll have a 1 beside 190 if completed, and a zero if not).


If the game doesn't recognize that the bleak falls barrow quest is done: go back to a save before you started trouble-shooting via console; use setstage MQ103 190 to complete the bleakfall barrows quest. (i.e. the last stage is returning the stone, next one is talking to the Jarl and is the first part of Dragon Rising.) Maybe try this while standing beside the Whiterun wizard guy. Best case scenario is that everything triggers after that.


Note that this is just a total stab in the dark. What's really weird is that the Jarl seems to recognize there's a dragon problem, as though the very first part of Dragon Rising is done.


No matter what happens, if you continue on do so from a save before you started the console command trouble shooting. Just to avoid all this console mayhem screwing up your game even more.

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