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Craft everyehere


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I'm trying to edit the CraftingManager.ws from this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2840 to make it that crafting requires materials, i really would appreciate it if someone can give me somebtime Ns help me out with this.


I tried to do the following steps which i found in the mod posts section.



1. craftingMenu.ws - Keep this file the same as it has the code for crafting from everywhere.


2. alchemyManager.ws - Don't use this file as the only changes here are the code for removing material requirements.



3. craftingManager.ws - Discard all the changes and instead comment out the following section like shown below: (/* ... / is used to comment out)


/ if (checkMerchant)


if ( !GetSchematic( schematicName, schem ) )


return ECE_UnknownSchematic;



if ( !craftMasterComp.IsCraftsmanType( schem.requiredCraftsmanType ) )


return ECE_WrongCraftsmanType;



if ( craftMasterComp.GetCraftsmanLevel( schem.requiredCraftsmanType ) < schem.requiredCraftsmanLevel )


return ECE_TooLowCraftsmanLevel;


} */


So basically what i did is i deleted the alachemymanager.ws and commented out the lines from step 3 but that didnt do the job.


Could someone explain the steps again please ? In step 3 he says discard all the changes but i have no idea what changes he is referin to.


Thanks in advance :)

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