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Gaming PC - Low Budget

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A friend of mine wants a new PC, but he only has 500£ to spend.Could you guys give some tips on what to buy, and where? Either factory assembled ones, or ones where you can buy the parts and ask to be assembled before it's sent.


This is what he has right now:






System Information


System Model: Centurion CPQ9104

Processor: AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 4094MB RAM



Display Devices


Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4350

Display Memory: 2297 MB

Dedicated Memory: 506 MB

Shared Memory: 1791 MB

Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (60Hz)



Edited by Yoshh
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You can make a good pc with 500£, please post the specs of his current pc.

Maybe some things can be re used like the case and powersupply.


And you might want to buy a used videocard.

You will have to mix old and new parts for a good computer for this budget but it is very possible.

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But as always the video card sucks.

It doesn't matter much how good your CPU is if your video card is a lowly 550 Ti. You want at least 560Ti, or, better, HD7850 to go with i5-3570.


Seriously speaking, Phenom 9650 isn't all that bad... well, if you overclock it. And except for Skyrim.

HD4350 is a definite weak link, on the other hand. A GPU upgrade might be all he really needs as of today, with platform replacement coming later.

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A 560Ti of course. It's the GPU that makes a gaming PC, not the CPU.


550Ti is considerably slower than 460 (by 20%). It isn't even as powerful as GTX 260 in the shader department.

Simply put it's not worth its salt, used GTX 260 go for next to nothing.

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i got a 260m in my laptop :P


my friend just bought a PC. it has a 550 Ti. i tried telling him that it was a crappy GPU, but he didnt believe me. however, he will never even push that GPU i guarantee it. the only reason he even bought a PC is because i told him how i wanted to and he had the money. so he built one thinking he wanted one (bought one rather. not built) but he barely plays anything on it. and what he did play doesnt even use heavy graphics.

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