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I Downloaded the DMRA body stock clothing replacer and cws sexy legion and the DMRA replacer for that to mostly everythings ok but the legion guards refere to my attachment by the way the armors the same on my charactor as well.
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You're missing some meshes, maybe textures as well (on characters i don't think you get the 'I'm a missing mesh!' thing). If the rest of the meshes/textures for the mod installed correctly, it is likely a conflict with this 'sexy legion' mod you mentioned, or you copied stuff to the wrong locqation in one of the mods.

Is this the right mod for the armor replacer? http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/28912 I can't find this 'Sexy Legion' mod.


Anyway, if it is, there is a mesh there for 'legion' armor in there. Assuming you have copied the files to the right location, which you should check first, there may be a conflict of some sort between the two mods. First, try disabling the Sexy Legion mod, see if that makes the Imperial Legion armor appear on your character. If it does, first, try switching which of these mods is first in the load order, see if that works. If not, try going to the directory the DRMA armor is installed, which ought to be data\meshes\armor\Edhidil\DRMA ARMORS SKIMPY\ and copy 'legiontop.nif' and 'legionlow.nif' into the default directory structure \data\meshes\armor\imperialwatch\F\, see if that works. If not, try to rename them to cuirass.nif and greaves.nif (and the same for textures, just replace meshes with textures, and nif with dds) It may be that the Sexy Legion mod (I couldn't find this one, so i don't know for sure what it's doing) is expecting the meshes to be in their default location, or a custom location of it's own, which you will have to track down.

Edited by Raye
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