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Skyrim SE Total PC freeze with mod list


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Hey guys, I'm experiencing an issue I haven't really encountered before.


I've been preparing to do a vampire run in the game and so put together a Vortex mod profile for it, however when I load the game up and hit new game, the moment I reach character creation (which is using alternate start and RaceMenu) it freezes. Not just the game, but my entire PC freezes. Alt tabbing and CTRL + ALT + DEL does nothing, the only way to get out of it is to turn my PC off via the power button.


Now, I was terrified at this because I figured it sounded like a hardware issue. But upon loading up a second profile that only has the unofficial patch and FNIS, it ran no problem through the games default character creator, no hiccups anywhere.


Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I will include this profiles mod order via a txt file taken using nexus mod manager, and of course can provide any info if asked, regarding my computer.


In case it helps, i'm running Windows 7 64 bit, GTX 970. This exact computer has played Skyrim SE no real issue since it came out, this is the first time i've ever seen this happen (CTDs occur occasionally of course, but never a total PC freeze).



EDIT: I've narrowed it down guys. Since it always froze when it reached RaceMenu I figured something in character creation must be causing it. I uninstalled ApachiiSkyHair and SaLa hair but kept KS Hairdos installed and loaded it up and experienced no freeze, so either SaLa Hair or Apachii is causing the freeze. The weird part is that in the past my computer was able to load all three without issue.

Edited by jaitsu
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Your PC is obviously overheating. What are your PC specs & how many mods are you running? You may need to invest in a liquid cooler (water pump) for your PC which connects a hose directly to your CPU & runs directly to a radiator.




Nothing in my PC is going over 50 degrees, I make sure to monitor that, and as I said, changes to the mods list, even slight changes, seem to fix and/or cause the freeze. General mods list is in the first post. As for my PC specs,


Windows 7 64 bit, GTX 970, Intel Core i7-4770K CPU, with 16 GB of ram. Running at 1080p as I see no real need to downscale from higher resolutions.

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Freezes that require a reboot are critical game engine errors and these errors are in ram.


Your GPU does not have enough vram for this game so it must switch between ram and vram. If an error occurs in ram your system can not recover so it will hard freeze.


In Skyrim there was 2 solutions for this. One is to use ENBoost. The executable in that version would skirt around the issue making the game more stable. Unfortunately 64 bit ENB doesn't use an executable.

Your only solution with this version of the game is to get more vram.


Now you can say that this did not happen before with the same video card so it could not be the problem you are getting now. Only if you no longer add mods to your game that would be true. Also your hardware is far from new and it does degrade over time. Even driver updates can upset the balance of a modde game.


Using RaceMenu with lots of hair is stressful on a system with low vram. In my tests with Skyrim SE 6gb vram is minimum for trouble free modding. With Fallout 4 it is 8gbs.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, wanted to give you an update. I found the cause (and no, it wasn't overheating or ram. As I insisted, those weren't and aren't the problems).


I soon discovered I was getting this issue with other games as well, and to my surprise, the cause wasn't even something internal with my computer. It was my Voltage Stabilizer. It would appear that my stabilizer has become faulty and wasn't providing my computer with enough power when running games, causing it to lock up.

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