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A Strange CTD


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I recently installed a sizeable handful of mods, and my game is now consistently crashing. What's odd is that when it crashes, it gives me no indication that anything went wrong; no "Skyrim.exe has stopped working" or "data execution prevention" or anything. The screen just flashes black and then I'm back at my desktop, the same thing that it does when I quit the game normally. It's almost like it thinks its supposed to be doing it.


That's not all. The crashing is triggered pretty consistently, when I try to go a certain distance away from Whiterun in any direction (At least every direction I've tried). I can stay in Whiterun for as long as I want without so much as a stutter, but once I try to set off, kaput. I'm thinking maybe its trying to load something in the distance and quitting out.


If it helps, here's my PC Specs:


Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)

System Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

System Model: K73SV

BIOS: BIOS Date: 11/16/11 09:46:36 Ver: 04.06.03

Processor: Intel® Core i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz

Graphics: nVidia® GeForce® GT 540M CUDA, 1GB

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 4008MB RAM

Page File: 3191MB used, 4823MB available

DirectX Version: DirectX 11


And my load order:




I also recently edited my SkyrimPrefs.ini using this guide.
















Edited by JackNitro
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It may be caused by mods incompatibility.

What you can do is Uncheck all of your mods and see if the problem is still there.


If it's not, just check half of your mods and check again, if the problem pops up it means the mod causing the problem is part of the mods you activated, with a little of patience, by deactivating them one per one (or 2-3-4 at once, as you see fit) you'll slowly figure out the mod(s) causing the problem.




I have those 3 set to zero as well so maybe it's not a mod incompatibility problem after all =P

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Turns out that wasn't the problem, I was decieved >:(


EDIT: Ok, THIS Time, I've actually narrowed it down to one of three causes:




Convenient Horses.esp


EDIT: Now I know beyond any doubt that its BuildableHouse.esp - any Ideas what's causing it not to work?


EDIT EDIT: There have been new developments. It turns out that Buildable Houses wasn't the issue (though it still isn't working). Improved Combat Sounds was causing the issue - I think it was a conflict with SoS. Now it just occasionally freezes :/

Edited by JackNitro
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