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Tried moving my directories around, still stuck


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trying to run the CBBE+ some armor mods (starting with one at a time) and it seems to not be working. at first I was running skyrim through programfiles(x86) - steam - steamapps- common - skyrim. The game would launch through the NMM, but I don't think the mods were actually working. Then, I tried to move skyrim to my /games folder, but then the game wouldn't launch at all. I'm so lost at the moment, and I'm sure it becomes second nature eventually; but I'm having troubles getting started. I've been looking for a video or something on how to make this work. Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance!
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Well, NMM doesn't know where to find your game anymore and if you launched through steam....It probably doesn't know either.


What I do, is I keep steam in its own folder. C:/Steam


All Steam games are then placed in that Steam folder.


But, to fix your problem....Do the following: Have NMM scan for your game again. If it can't find it, show it where it is.


If it doesn't find it, you might have to do a fresh install.


I'm pretty sure that there are other ways, but that's the only way I know of.


You might have to do a fresh install anyways if you can't launch it through Steam either.

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