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Recommended Load Order


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Alright, so I have ran threw a few load order theories myself in my long time of playing Skyrim. Most of them have worked, and other have caused issues. I am asking other people's opinion of a good load order template to go by. How do you organize your mod list? My current organization scheme is this:

From top to bottom


- .esms( of course )

- sound files

- content adders( basic .esp files, Birds of Skyrim, house mods, creature mods, etc. )

- files that have to do with scripts

- game meshs( i.e. landscapes, buildings, static objects )

- game textures

- Quest mods

- player/npc meshes

- npc/player textures

- armor and weapon meshs( fiels that also have textures go at the end of this list)

- armor and weapons textures

- lighting mods

- interface mods


Any thoughts? I am starting a new game, and this is the scheme I will organzie most of my mods in. This excludes of course certain mods with certain special instructions( such as AV, ASIS, SkyTest. I may even throw Deadly Dragons down here for good measure along with Realistic Wildlife for good measure since those have drastic changes and contain scripts that affect savegames).


Edit: Left some stuff out of the list

Edited by Killerbuddy
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Alright, so I have ran threw a few load order theories myself in my long time of playing Skyrim. Most of them have worked, and other have caused issues. I am asking other people's opinion of a good load order template to go by. How do you organize your mod list? My current organization scheme is this:

From top to bottom


- .esms( of course )

- sound files

- content adders( basic .esp files, Birds of Skyrim, house mods, creature mods, etc. )

- files that have to do with scripts

- game meshs( i.e. landscapes, buildings, static objects )

- game textures

- Quest mods

- player/npc meshes

- npc/player textures

- armor and weapon meshs( fiels that also have textures go at the end of this list)

- armor and weapons textures

- lighting mods

- interface mods


Any thoughts? I am starting a new game, and this is the scheme I will organzie most of my mods in. This excludes of course certain mods with certain special instructions( such as AV, ASIS, SkyTest. I may even throw Deadly Dragons down here for good measure along with Realistic Wildlife for good measure since those have drastic changes and contain scripts that affect savegames).


Edit: Left some stuff out of the list


how do you tell if the mod is a .esms and what about in the mod list they are a weird name and you don't know which mod corresponds with it?

Edited by AnimeOfTheArts
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