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Help with BA2 Mesh files


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Hey there, I hope this is the right place to be asking this kind of question.


Right now I'm using the Archive2 Extractor/Packer tool that comes with the Fallout 4 CK and I've been reading this guide here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22079/ for help. What I'm trying to do is replace the mesh for the female body with the mesh from CBBE curvy. The tool works just fine when extracting all the files into a folder but when I replace the vanilla body mesh and try repacking it again, the program crashes every time.


I don't know what to do at this point and I'm hoping I haven't overlooked something important.


Edit: Not sure if this helps at all but my end goal is to replace all of the meshes, textures, and materials in the BA2 files with the ones I like, repack them, and then save a copy to another hardrive. That way, if I ever get a new computer or have to reinstall the game, all I have to do is simply overwrite the vanilla ba2 files with my own again.

Edited by Relenanator
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Try just Create folders with the path to the female body for both mesh and texture and material add what you want to replace and make sure its names the same as original and be sure to mirror the location path exactly. Then just add those folders (Meshes, textures and materials) to the Data folder. It should overwrite originals.


I don't think you can just replace original files. Maybe if you launch from F4SE but not if trying to launch from steam.


Also, Doesn't the CBBE mod already replace those bodies when you install it? You will need all of the vanilla clothing outfits meshes and textures too added by cbbe because vanilla outfits will not fit on the curvy body. So, that's a lot of files to replace manually. I thought installing the mod already did this for you?

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Do NOT replace files in a .bsa or .bs2 archive. Those are your vanilla files and shouldn't be touched. They are how you can uninstall a mod and have the game go back to vanilla (depending on the mod). Otherwise, you'd be constantly unpacking, overwriting and repacking .bsa archives.


Make your changes to the body in BodySlide, then click on Batch Build in the bottom left-hand corner. Make sure that any armors or clothing with a checkmark are ONLY things you actually have installed. Choose only one CBBE body and the CBBE feet. Click build. The meshes are automatically placed in the Data\Meshes folder. Since the game will read loose files first, those changes will now show in your game.

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