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can someone give me a save with all quests cleared


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Can someone give a save with everything cleared all quests cleared and all places discovered?

Where's the fun in that? Keep in mind, this will no doubt come with a pre-built lvl 81 character you can't level, and no enemies left except random encounters. Also, you should probably specify which side of the Civil War arc you want to win, since you can't do both. Play the game, what you're asking for is pretty much a way to Not play the game. What's the point of even owning it? Edited by Psiberzerker
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@johan13, i've no idea what you're trying to do but here are some console commands you can use to maybe create the game state you're looking for.

Not sure what you mean by 'everything cleared' since many locations respawn, if you're referring to clearing quest objects and NPC's i don't know how to do that.

Be warned, using these commands may crash the game so make a savegame backup beforehand just in case..

There is no way to revert back after using these commands.

You can read about these commands here:




CAQS Complete all quest stages. Finishes every quest in the game, not just the ones you've started, essentially completing the game.

Not recommended for general use. May crash your game. Note: This will unlock several quest related Steam achievements if they have not been unlocked yet.


TMM 1,1,1 (show all markers, all markers discovered allowing fast travel, include showing hidden markers).

tmm <nn>(,<nn>,<nn>) Show/hide all map markers. <nn> should be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers.

Hiding markers hides ALL markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game.

When adding markers, the 2nd parameter determines if the ones you add are set as discovered (for fast travel, 1, default) or not (0), and the 3rd is all (1) or all but hidden (0,default) (e.g., to add all undiscovered markers without fast travel, enter tmm 1,0,0).


TMM 1 Shows and "discovers" all map locations for use. TMM 1,0,1 reveals all map locations, but disallows fast travel until you actually (re)discover the location.

TMM 0 SETS this state, instead of toggling it! In other words, tmm 0 will clear any existing locations previously found; DO not use this if you wish to preserve current marker status set. There is NO way to revert to original status. If you do tmm 0, followed by tmm 1,0,1, with no quotes, it will blank the map followed by making all 'black' markers appear without fast travel.


Console Map Codes, TMM = Toggle Map Markers

The command line: TMM A B C

A = 0 is hide, 1 is show

B = 0 is no fast travel (grey), 1 is fast travel (white)

C = 0 is all except hidden, 1 is all including hidden


TMM 0 0 0 #Hide all markers

TMM 1 0 0 #Show all markers and do not set new locations for fast travel

TMM 1 1 1 #Show all markers and set all locations for fast travel

Edited by xlcr
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