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idea for a mod involving dead thrall


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i really like dead thrall but the amount of work it takes to maintain a thrall is really annoying, between selecting the armor and weapons, constantly having to look for the same body after its been killed, and the problem with fast traveling, it becomes less rewarding to use it. so i was thinking about a mod that essentially opperates the way that followers do, walk up to them and pressing E gives access to thier inventory, maybe an option to toggle them as essential thralls, attempt to fix that fast traveling problem. it might also be able to let you use other reanimation spells without loosing the thralls that you have. i dont know if its possible to incorporate having more then just 2 thralls, but that could be something to look in to.

anyway this is something id really like to do and i think it could be a lot of fun once its complete, i was just wondering if anyone had any advise in this area? im not really good at scripting but i think its worth a try.


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I'm working on it :P


I'm a slow modder though, so you'll need to be patient. I think I finally got the minion inventory business sorted out yesterday.

Its slow going because the way Reanimate effects are done is fubar (mostly hard coded and requires a bit of effort to get around the broken bits).


I am going to need testers at some point...would you be interested?

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