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The Boy Stares At You bug


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Hello all,


One day while in at in the wide world of TES4, I noticed that the Saints and Seducers were not addressing me as I walked by them. Upon speaking to them, their normal dialog was replaced with a simple text line:


..."the boy stares at you for a moment then turns back to his duties."


and then the dialog automatically ends.


I've only been able to search out one other who had this trouble in the Cheydinhal Pet Shop mod, where one of the store attendants would do the same thing. This only happens to the normal Saints and Seducers that I come across, none other.


I believe there is a conflict with the companion mod that I have, and I'm continuing to investigate this bug, but I just wanted to see if this rang any bells with anybody.


Thanks much to any and all help.



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I always thought the line "the boy stares at you for a moment then turns back to his duties." was supposed to be there in the cheydinhal petshop mod. It's a stableboy isn't it? So I'd assume, that it's a compatibility mod, and nothing else. Try it with that disabled.


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Thank you for all the help, but today I figured it out. I have a mod (Snowglobe House) that teleports me to and from the Shivering Isles. When I use it it messes up the dialogues. However, I'm not sure why it interjected the Chey. Petshop Boy's dialogue. Odd enough, but problem solved.


One has to watch out when using mods that use teleporting I assume.




(BTW I did try disabling the Petshop Mod and the text was replaced with: "I HAVE NO TEXT". Maybe not that exactly, but something close to that. Just FYI)

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Thank you for all the help, but today I figured it out. I have a mod (Snowglobe House) that teleports me to and from the Shivering Isles. When I use it it messes up the dialogues. However, I'm not sure why it interjected the Chey. Petshop Boy's dialogue. Odd enough, but problem solved.


One has to watch out when using mods that use teleporting I assume.




(BTW I did try disabling the Petshop Mod and the text was replaced with: "I HAVE NO TEXT". Maybe not that exactly, but something close to that. Just FYI)

I have run into the "I HAVE NO TEXT" problem & for me it happened when I tried using a custom race with the "playable" box unchecked as a companion

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