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New Vegas Military Museum


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Im looking for a scripter to help me with my mod. I was inspired by the museum in the run the lucky 38 mod, I thaught what If i could do an entire museum dedicated to to one of the main things in fallout. War. the idea is you start off small with no or one exebits like a pistol or something and work up.eventually you will aquire the weapons,armors vehicles and more as you draw in customers from all over the wast, raking in the caps and fame. I need some one to help me script aquiring the weapons and the visitors as well ass the upgrades, I can navmesh, I just need a scripter to help me with this. If anyones intristed please let me know.we are currently in the Pre-Alpha stage and looking for anyone with any modding skills to help, meshers, texture artist, anyone. if your intristed please let me know. Edited by choochoo1
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a suggestion or a few ......


don't make it only about war, make it about the people that made the war that made the weapons the people that suffered truw war be it by war in their own land or in another land ( where the troops came from or went ..like in WWII ,the female working class that made the bullets weapons it was they that build the planes make a exibihition about the workers or the victims of the war the loosers the enemy)



i had some more ideas buti had to go eat, so my ideas where lost with the wind


anyway i like your idea and i'm full for Lorefriendly mods but i like to offer assistance NOT A"S A SCRIPTOR or script chick/guy but as an idea man,storywriter, voiceactor and storyteller i even play electric bass so i could give some tunes


I played all Fallout games except the PS2 fallout and have a other big gaming career( nonprofit ofcourse just a casual gamer ) I also wrote some fiction but never published it





Pedro Out!!!............................

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I like the idea of including more background into the fallout universe. maybe there could be exebits on the resource wars, the anchorage reclemation, the great war and the NCR, Enclave/Brotherhood war. Im glad to have some intrist in this cause I dont have the scripting skills. Iv got the concept for the alpha in my head and can explain further.
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