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Character Face Sliders


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Take Screenshots for referance. I've got most of my favorite settings memorized, from so much time spent in CG. I even `showracemenu` to age them, or add scars later. Other than the shapes of specific features, I usually go to one extreme end, or the other, than dial in the proportions to make it look right. For instance, most of my females (which means most of my characters, I prefer to play girls) have the jaw width, and height all the way down, and foreward all the way up.
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Too bad there are not more sliders in the default game. Would like to be able to get my characters faces just right not just close enough.


Pressing the console key ` and typing showracement then press enter and you get the character creation menu. Be careful not to change sex or race if you do it will erase all your skills and experience? You have to type in your name again and press enter when exiting that menu but otherwise it works.

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