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What the heck happened?


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So I was playing last night and everything was fine. I get on the game this morning and play it, and noticed something I wanted to build wasn't showing up in any of the crafting benches (it was a German WW2 cap - I downloaded a whole mod just for the damn hat, because when you paint the postal/police/coast guard ones black, it covers the badge as well). I've had the mod for a few days now, but only went to use it today and couldn't find where to build it (after checking the mod pg. there was choice, depending on if you had Armorsmith extended, else it would be with chems).


So I reinstalled it, and still they weren't where they were supposed to be, so i just got one through console commands instead. Fine...


I saved my game and logged out to get something to eat, came back and tried to log back in... and my saves are corrupted. If I go back to one from yesterday I can still get in and everything is fine, but any new saves I make are equally corrupted. the problem is REALLY weird - it seems the game completely forgets a ton of quests I completed (including a bunch of CC ones), and acts like I just got the quest for the first time. It asks me where i want to send Tina DeLuca (she's been living at Sunshine Tidings for awhile now!), and also acted like I had just gotten several magazines. Weirder still, it sticks me in the bunker at Sanctuary (no matter which save I choose), and the bunker seems to be under attack (I hear what sounds like a minuteman artillery barrage, and i am getting hit and injured... BAD).


Is this some sort of joke? I try to use a Nazi hat and it turns me into Hitler hiding in my bunker? WTH?! I'm not even wearing it - a gave it to a follower! (and none of my followers are with me).


So no matter what, if I try to save, I windup back in that bunker under attack, and I lose a ton of quests that I finished (I think i still have my Horse Armor, but no Space, Doom, or X02. How the hell does the game keep 'forgetting' all the mod quests I already completed? And why is it moving me to that bunker in Sanctuary EVERY TIME?! Was something updated by Bethesda? I am using the 'enable achievements' mod - I only just now notice this makes the game save as 'unmodded' (because i still have a few saves considered 'modded' before I downloaded that a long time ago).


What could be causing so many bizarre things at once? Have I exceeded some sort of mod limit? It works fine -I just can't do any new saves ATM (so unless i just leave my game on forever - and pray it doesn't crash - this game is ruined, and I am lev.128). Oh, and I've tried both full & quicksaves - no difference. It still forgets my completed quests and moves me.

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Oh, and I also had a Windows update last night, and an AVG update this morning (the problem began before the AVG update though). I recall having to change permissions on a folder when I installed everything... could that be it? Could Windows itself have reset something so it isn't seeing any changes? (because its set to 'read only', or some such?) I don't even recall which folders or why I had to do that (probably had to do with MM2).

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Delete the mod ... go back to the save that works and have a nice day.

But the mod itself has been installed for three days. I only tried to use it today. Could one little aesthetic mod cause huge problems like this? It seems unlikely - its just a reskin of vanilla assets. Its also kind of random which quests it acts as if I just got - some of the CC ones are intact, some aren't (and those are in the main game folder, unlike 97% of the other mods).


Its almost as if the IG 'time' has become borked. I can't be sure, but since the Horse armor is one of my oldest completed, and I think that one is intact (it didn't give me a message saying it started, so I am assuming the armor is still over in the castle where I put it). The other armor-related quests all act like i am only starting them right now, even though they were completed (and two of those armors were in Sanctuary, and I checked and they were gone). So it feels as if the in-game chronometer has been reset to an earlier time, which is causing all this craziness (its really hard to tell, but it seems a lot of things I got finished early are still intact, while stuff I did later in my play-through aren't showing up). Yet, I am still the same level with all my perks. Its like my character saved, but my game didn't.

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Just can't seem to get it to work anymore. I'm about 90% sure it had to do with the Windows update - a bunch of file permissions were changed. I am trying to piece stuff back together, but its like the game just won't recognize modded stuff from old saves (I have yet to test if it will be able to with any new saves). It could still be game oriented, because I found an odd problem yesterday related to a mod asset that had the wrong prefix (the two digit/letter combo that comes before the rest of the ID). It could be the prefixes got reassigned somehow... which sucks. Don't know what might have done that.


Yet, some saved (modded) stuff remains. Not much - must just be the few things who's ID's werren't reassigned (although I am still confused as to why only some of the CC stuff was affected). Problem is, I was using mostly modded assets for my game - clothes, armor, weapons, settlements stuff... even settlers themselves. All that is gone. Except for my level, it will be like starting all over again. I don't even have shops in most of my settlements now, and everyone is walking around naked with no inventory. It would be funny if it didn't hurt so much. i built a LOT in some of those settlements.


If I have to start all over (I did start a new game, because that was one of the many recommended 'fixes' I found - start a new game just using Steam and then quit and log back on with MM) I may as well do a full new, fresh install of everything, since I made a lot of mistakes along the way. looks like I won't be showing up for Thanksgiving dinner this year... another settlement needs my help.



EDIT: P.S. - please don't tell me to go back to an old save - I've tried that, and one by one each became corrupted. Anything relating to mods in those old saves simply disappears if I try to use it. I don't understand how that can be, since you can even import saves from other people's games. It has to be something simple i just haven't thought of yet. The game simply will NOT access saved non-vanilla assets (except for a few... which is the part that is really throwing me here - it should be 'all or nothing' with a problem like this).


Hmmmm... just had an odd thought. I did something with one of those 'still there' assets yesterday... I wonder... I replicated what should have been a unique item. I should try deleting that and see what happens.

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A simple retexture can do that, especially if the mod has dirty edits or the mod in question may have altered things you were unaware of. However it could also be that asset you used, if deleting said unique item copy does not work you may have to deactivate the mod and see if that does anything. The most long-winded step you can take is deactivating all your mods and then activating them one at a time (loading the game each time you activate one mod) until your game starts to mess up then it was whatever mod you last activated.

You can also try using the Loot and/or Wyrebash programs, as they are pretty good at detecting any sort of errors or conflicts caused by your load order.


If it was the updates throwing monkey wrenches in the works, I have no idea how to fix that. Hope my limited solution works out.

Edited by Undeadbob666
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I started a new play-through, and some mods still aren't working. Now I a starting to think it may be MM2 itself - its like it just isn't 'turning on' some mods, or is doing it randomly/sporadically. Very strange. I didn't want to have to - because of the shear number of mods I have installed - but it looks like I will have to do a clean install of everything - game, MM2, even the plugins for MM like outfit studio and Bodyslide (because I am now seeing corruption of textures - a problem I've never had before).


Unfortunately, it could still be a Windows/antivirus problem as well, since both updated that night - it could be the reason why MM2 isn't activating certain mods is that its just not seeing them, or permissions aren't set correctly (I tried redoing all of that yesterday - I'll have to go through all of it again). I did find some folders that windows turned back to 'Read Only' (stupid Bill Gates and his crappy 'updates').


On the bright side, this is forcing me to do a much-needed 'clean up' - there were a bunch of minor mods I really wasn't using that I just never bothered to get rid of, so time to prune all that garbage out.


Thank you for your reply, Undeadbob666

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