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Who first discovered the bucket trick?


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And how did s/he even think of it?


You place a bucket in everyone's head, blocking their field of vision, then steal whatever you want.


I can't farthom what it's like for the very first gamer to go um I'm bored, maybe I'll place a bucket on that guy's head... opps, accidentally stole something! WTF I got away with it!

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Wrestling fan? Pretty common move in wrestling to dump a trash can on someone's head then pound on the trashcan. :D


I had no idea about this trick, but I'm sure gonna try it now, just for the fun, not for the stealing...

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More than likely it was someone who was overly enjoyed at playing with the physics of all these random items (not very many games, particularly those on the 360 have so many random clutter items just laying around that you can move around that don't disappear after a while) and got the idea to try and put things on NPC's. Then they probably started stealing stuff without thinking and noticed they weren't being reported for it. And so on and so forth.


Or, it could have happen differently. Who knows.

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