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I can't generate scripts for some reason?


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For some aggrivating reson the Creation Kit is not letting me create scripts? Whenever I click compile, even on the simplest scripts I know, that I have used before, I get an error saying


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...

Compiling "TIF__010371EC"...

c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\TIF__010371EC.psc(9,0): SetObjectiveDisplayed is not a function or does not exist

No output generated for TIF__010371EC, compilation failed.


Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.

Failed on TIF__010371EC


Any suggestions? Thanks

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For this script it complains that SetObjectiveDisplayed is an illegal statement (though it is). My guess you didn't use the function correctly, but it's only a guess as long as you don't give us a script to look at . It could be nice BTW if you do put this script here.
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For this script it complains that SetObjectiveDisplayed is an illegal statement (though it is). My guess you didn't use the function correctly, but it's only a guess as long as you don't give us a script to look at . It could be nice BTW if you do put this script here.


In the example I had put the SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) in the end Papyrus fragments. I've used this before without any trouble and I can't understand why it's kicking up a fuss now.

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Okay, never mind. After rebooting my PC and trying it again it works perfectly normal again. Can't understand what caused this problem. Cheers for the help anyway!
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