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I cant get my B-35C armor mod to work for fallout 4


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I just recently bought fallout 4 and i downloaded a few mods for it and one of them doesn't seem to work. its the B-35C armor mod which is essentially a heavy armor mod for the brotherhood of steel. i've been at this for an hour or two and i cant seem to get it to work. I also have another mod installed that has some of the Brotherhood soldiers wearing it but they are missing the their bodies and are just floating heads. I have reinstalled both of the mods multiple times, I have restarted the game at least 15 times at this point, and i have changed the load order around a bit. to be completely honest im not the best when it comes to modding and when something does not work im completely clueless on how to fix it so if someone could give me a couple tips or let me know if there is a for sure way of making the mod work that would be great.

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Sorry to hear that, but this forum is for Vortex only. You can post your issue with that armor in the Fallout 4 forum so I am pretty sure that you will get some help.


You are not giving us any information about what mod manager you are using but regardless, if it is NMM or Vortex, they do not have anything to do with a mod not working. You would have to read the mod description, mod posts and make some questions to the mod author to get the help that you need.

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