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More populated roads/trails


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So I like to hunt on Skyrim, role play a hunter, and often I follow the roads to get to other holds. I just got done playing and a thief robbed me. I thought to myself, in at least 100 hours of playing time, I have only been robbed 1 time, and probably only seen couriers on the roads. So my idea is, add more thieves, bandits, merchants, maybe adventurers, etc. If possible, make the thieves only be out from like 10pm- 6am or something. I don't know if there is any mods that already do this, I searched quite a few different things, with no results. So if anyone else likes this, or is up for trying this out, or even has more to add to it, just leave a reply. Thanks!
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So I like to hunt on Skyrim, role play a hunter, and often I follow the roads to get to other holds. I just got done playing and a thief robbed me. I thought to myself, in at least 100 hours of playing time, I have only been robbed 1 time, and probably only seen couriers on the roads. So my idea is, add more thieves, bandits, merchants, maybe adventurers, etc. If possible, make the thieves only be out from like 10pm- 6am or something. I don't know if there is any mods that already do this, I searched quite a few different things, with no results. So if anyone else likes this, or is up for trying this out, or even has more to add to it, just leave a reply. Thanks!

You can try the ASIS mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436/

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Nice thought, i've been playing skyrim for a long time now ive completed the main quests and some other side quest and only been robbed once... :wallbash: technically he didn't rob me i burnt his sorry ass into the dirt :thumbsup: but all in all this is an awesome idea all though i play my skyrim on the xbox :confused: i would love it if i could get this, soon to be, mod. :D
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I would definitely love something like this. I always get really excited when I see someone on the road - it's only been 4 so far. A bard traveling, and Orc wanting to die, some diseased(?) Nord giving a quest and 1 bandit wanting a toll for the road (which I quickly turned into a pin-cushion). It would be amazing to see merchants, other travelers. Even small detachments of Imperials or Stormcloaks traversing the roads!
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So I like to hunt on Skyrim, role play a hunter, and often I follow the roads to get to other holds. I just got done playing and a thief robbed me. I thought to myself, in at least 100 hours of playing time, I have only been robbed 1 time, and probably only seen couriers on the roads. So my idea is, add more thieves, bandits, merchants, maybe adventurers, etc. If possible, make the thieves only be out from like 10pm- 6am or something. I don't know if there is any mods that already do this, I searched quite a few different things, with no results. So if anyone else likes this, or is up for trying this out, or even has more to add to it, just leave a reply. Thanks!



I agree totally, I've recently downloaded a lot of graphical mods for skyrim that makes the experience even better for role playing such as this.


Populated roads and trails would make it even better, I hope someone actually makes a mod regarding this.

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