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Mod Conflicts (but why!)


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Hey guys!


I've been having a ton of fun with Skyrim and mods the past two weeks, and it can only get better. I don't have the best knowledge of modding or load order, but I've been able to tell what conflicts and what doesn't (example: Dovahkiin's Hideout doesn't play well with quite a few mods.)


Anyway, for most Quest mods, I CTD almost immediately and I've been unable to tell why. I've checked my list over a few times and nothing seems like it should crash them, but it still happens. I'd also like to know if there are any other well known mods that have a penchant for misbehaving with others (I've heard WATER does, as does the aforementioned Hideout.) If y'all can help in anyway, that'd be grand.



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Well, you can use BOSS to sort your load order for you.


With thirteenoranges quests, his need to go in a certain order if I remember rightly.


As it is, BOSS is a good program and helps tremendously with load order.

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Oh, they'll work...just as a heads up, lately when I've checked the data files using the skyrim steam launcher...it messes up the load order for update.esm.


At least for me. Heck, I don't even see the syncing part when it checks to see if your subscribed mods are up to date.


So, download from the workshop, then use boss to sort it out.


If you've ever used Wrye with Oblivion or the Fallout series, it's a good tool as well.

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