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Mods won't show up!


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Hey everyone. I used to use mods from this site all the time, but I stopped for a good few months. I recently updates my Skyrim to 1.6, and no mods are working anymore! I tried everything that I know how to do, but nothing is working so I could really use some help here! I have the latest version of SKSE, and whenever I open the Skyrim launcher, the option "Data Files" remains greyed out. NMM can check all of the mods, but when I start it up, nothing is there. Everything is properly installed according to the instructions on each mod. My computer's specs are: Processor - AMD Phenom II X4 840, 3.2 GHz, I have 8 gigs of RAM, and a Radeon HD 5 series. Any additional information can be given upon request.
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Go into steam, and go to the game library. Find skyrim, right click it and select "properties". Then find "verify steam cache" and click it. Steam will download the latest skyrim 1.6 and any missing files that could cause data files to be grayed out.


If that doesn't work, check to see if there are esp's inside the data folder. If there are, then there's some kind of ini issue. In that cause delete the ini's in your Skyrim documents folder and rerun the game. If there aren't simply redownload the mods you had and reactivate them.


Last option is to completely remove Skyrim from your computer, well, you could keep the large .bsa files. After that re-verify the steam cache and it'll download new proper files. You will lose all the mods in the data folders. Since NMM puts mods in a separate directory (C:/Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim), just reactivate them and you're good to go.

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yes, the esps for your mods should be in the data folder.


Try this:


go into your skyrimprefs.ini file in My Documents/ My Games/ Skyrim and look under the "[Launcher]" section and make sure the following line is there




if it's at 0 change it to 1, if it doesn't exist copy it from here and paste it in (usually goes as the last line there is under "Launcher" but I don't think it matters?).


You could also do as Radnen suggested, i.e. delete the 2 ini files (skyrimprefs and skyrim) and skyrim will replace 'em next time it runs (again tho, you should have that line under "Launcher" in skyrim prefs)


It's also a good idea to verify game cache as radnen suggested.

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Oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... I just found out that there are two Skyrim Preference files. One's in C:\Users\Justin(myname)\MyDocuments\MyGames\Skyrim. I feel stupid for trying to figure it out for like forever lol. Well it works 100% perfectly now! If anyone is having this problem, don't beat yourself up over it, just do what I did! And thanks for trying to solve my problem guys!(:
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