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Cant talk in APB Reloaded


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When i press enter to talk and type something in, it shows up as (time)[username]: (what i typed)

No one EVER replies... i'm starting to think that they don't see what i'm saying, but i see what they are saying.

Even when I say a compliment no one says anything.

And to prove that the people i'm talking to aren't trolls, I played with my friend and asked him to help me with this problem. He couldn't see what i typed either.

Please help if you know whats going on.



I don't know how to talk to only your district or only your team, etc...

It would be great if someone told me how.


Btw, if you couldn't tell : P i'm new to this game

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ABP is completely full of connection related bugs and there's very little you can do about them, it's one of the reasons the game was dead and buried after only 3 months. Honestly, there's not much you can do, aside from changing parts of your internet infrastructure, but why would you do that for APB, one of the worst games ever released? When I tried it I was absolutely blown away by the lag, now, I'm serious about gaming, I've got a top spec ISP who can normaly get me very playable PING on servers as far away as pluto or Iceland, but APB was the exception. For some reason, it lagged out worse than TOR on launch day, or even WoW on a full server. To put it in perspective, EVE Online has a server in London, APB's server was... not sure where, probably South Korea somewhere. In EVE I get about 150 ms lag, which is a tiny fraction of a second and not really noticeable, in APB, I got an average lag period of 7 seconds. This rendered the game totally unusable. That's probably a good thing since it meant I got away from it sooner rather than trying to invest time in it.


My biggest advice is find a different game to play, All Points Bulletin is an astoundingly bad game on many, many levels. Normaly when reviewing a game I carefully write an article based on hands-on research, being careful to not to drift into superlatives or raving. Three games exist that are so monumentaly, utterly, abhorrently terrible that I find myself unable to speak like a college dean, these games are Rogue Warrior(Bethesda's awkward FPS was like an april fool's day joke, only nobody laughed) Dead Or Alive(Underage pornography can never be forgiven) and APB(Seven seconds of lag) In APB's case my raving and superlatives revolve around it's monumental lag, woeful lack of optimisation and miserably dull gameplay, though i could also branch out to mention the rampant hax/glitching and the fact the targeting reticule is misaligned by about an inch to the left at the weapon's muzzle, which means you'll miss by about two feet or so. It's bad, it's more than bad, it's like APB was designed by a bunch of first-time devs who didn't want to bother with bugtesting. Well, it's a living monumenting to why you ALWAYS bugtest. :wallbash:



Spacemarine facepalm. APB is so bad, it makes other video game characters feel ashamed to be in the same industry as it.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Spacemarine facepalm. APB is so bad, it makes other video game characters feel ashamed to be in the same industry as it.

Pretty much this.


Even without the connection issues it has ridiculously bad matchmaking issues, rampant exploit usage, and just plain fails at being anything other than "pay to win". Even among other games that rely on a weapon rental system it is particularly bad as there are no freebie "basic" weapons for each type to keep things in relative balance. Added with the exploits, ineffective punkbuster, and other problems it just isn't worth the trouble.



As for your issue, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they didn't restrict chat to only those who passed a certain rank shortly after it went FTP just because of the huge influx of people from Steam.



Try playing Tribes:Ascend instead, it's a better FPS by far.

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