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Spurs that Jingle Jangle


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The title says it all.

I'm try to add sound to the Lucky Spurs mod.

I got a great sound file that plays in the GECK.

I made an Audio Temeplate

But how do I add the enumerations or what ever there called to the template ?

Sneak, walk, run etc ?


P.S. For those not of the real cowboy world, most spurs make very little to any noise when walking. You add a little bob on ring that also goes thru the pin of the rowel.

That's what bangs against the spur rowel as you walk to make that familiar sound you hear on TV. Its called a Jingle Bob (Extremely old smiley face)


Gopher you have my respect, few have real cowboy and western knowledge these days.

Edited by flatbush71
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Just find an already created sound template (similar to your edit needs) , edit it and change id . That worked for me once.

If you want for example for walking , find an already created template and use it as base. It´ll be easier.


Edit: The numeration doesnt mind , if you want to replace already created template , just link your sound to this one , that should work.

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D that whole section is empty.

Just place holders.

Not clear what you mean by "placeholders". Nexus recently updated the wiki software, which broke some of the internal page links (such as to some "Tips" and "level 3 or lower" nested sub-topics) but I just checked the links to external articles still work. It's a PITA until they get it fixed, but the content is still there. Just have to use the browser "edit | find in this page" function.


If you use something similar to "NoScript", then you need to mark "nexusmods.com" and "gstatic.com" as "trusted".


If you will provide a specific example of something else that is broken, I'll investigate it.



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Ok, I've got that added, but no spur sound plays when walking.

Just walking on dirt sound.

I gota figure out how to include the jangle with the walking sound or duplicate the method I guess.


Any ideas ?

Edited by flatbush71
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Not sure what sounds are the player .... but there is a bunch for sure.

All the different things to walk on , and whether Run,walk,sneak.


Would guess to leave the vanilla sound in tact. But changing all those sounds with spur jingle would yeild the best render for cpu cycles.


But I think just adding an actor effect checking what anim the player is doing , then play sound.

May be the way to go ?

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It's my understanding that "sounds while walking" are due to "havok materials" collision. AFAIK, you can't change those, but there are 96 defined and only about 1/3 actually used. Please see 'TIP: Collision Impact Sounds' under the "Collision" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.



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Still wasn't able to open the tip page by the link, but I did read in view source in black and white.

I don't know why, but that's no big deal.

Anyway, I can't get Nifscope to run and I have the visuals so it looks like a deadend .


I do very much appreciate you guys and girls helping out the old man.

You youngsters here on Nex are about the only friends I have.

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I'm not aware of any usual problems getting NifSkope to run. As far as I know it's a "standalone" program not depending upon any libraries that aren't standard for Windows. Did you try installing it to a folder outside of the "C:\Program Files" folder tree? What sort of error message did you get?


Losing all of your friends is one of the major drawbacks to aging. Us "elders" need our hobbies. You can PM me if you want to try to resolve your browser problem outside of this thread. Start with which one you are using and which version of Windows.



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