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Help selevting Leveling mods


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I would like to add an XP based leveling system to my game with a 200 skill/stat point cap. I have found a bunch of leveling mods but don't know what is any good. I have looked at "nGCD" and "Experiance Based Training for nGCD" and aslo "AF Level mod" I am currently trying out "Realistic Leveling" and have read about a few others but don't see any thing I really like. I was considering writing my own mod for this purpose, any suggestions for a good mod or good resource files would be greatly appreciated. Could anyone recommend a good leveling mod for an uncapped FCOM setup?



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  • 7 months later...

I have the same condunudrum. I am trying a few different leveling mods as well, at the moment I trying Oblivion xp, which is the one I like the most so far, but it seems to change things a little too much than intended it seems the game has got easier.


I wish I knew the specifics of what OOO and such change in regard to health allocation, fatigue and leveling so I could tweak the settings of oblivion xp to match but I cant seem to find this info

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