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Noob Question re: Clean Install onto Win7x64 ala PCA/PCW


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Thanks in Advance for any guidance offered to this Win7 noob.


Microsoft has confused me by having two programs that may or may not do the same thing...

Program Compatibility Assistant & Program Compatibility Wizard

One of which apparently cannot be manually prompted, and the other that must be?


I have not read anything about this on any Oblivion install guide.

I collected all the advice I could on installing Oblivion on Win7x64.

I believe I followed the major points of installation accordingly...

(install as administrator, somewhere not the default location, etc.)

everything seemingly went according to expectation thru disk one,

and then I proceeded to install disk two, which also went according to

expectation, until it was supposedly finished; then I got this message:


This program might not have installed correctly

If this program didn't install correctly, try reinstalling using settings that are compatible with this version of Windows.

Program: Setup.exe

Publisher: Macrovision Corporation

Location: D\setup.exe

Then, it has three options:

Reinstall using recommended settings

OR - This program installed correctly



The info button suggests that I cannot regain this prompt manually

in the future, so I am hoping to figure out what to do at this time.

Is it possible to change/alter the relevant compatibility issues at a

future time, if I make a less-than-ideal choice at this time? After

reading the Microsoft page on the Program Compatibility Assistant,

I am inclined to select the first option, as it seems that will activate

compatibility mode (which might be needed)? Is that in fact what it does?


*Fingers Crossed* ~Nom


Question Summary:

-What do you recommend I select at this time? and Why?

-If I later decide to alter my imminent selection, is it possible to do so without reinstalling the game?

-Whatall might this do? Activate compatibility mode? Anything else?

Edited by NomDeKeyz
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Sarissi, Greetings and Thanks for your reply!


I agree, it is moronic, as is the limited amount of information on the wannabe-software... alas, I still hope to understand what I am doing. When you install something and get this prompt, what do you select and why? How do you further edit/alter settings to accommodate the needs of the program?


According to what I've read, the first option does not change the program, but it does change how Win7 handles the program... sadly, I could not locate any in depth listing of exactly how it might handle the program differently... nor could I verify that I could manually make these changes myself later, if need be.


The second option causes the computer to accept and mark the installation, and proceed as if all is well, until something isn't. I could not find anywhere if there was an option to edit this choice later if I find the need... especially since this window supposedly cannot be manually triggered.


The third option does nothing, but how that differs from the second option is unclear. Does this option mean that the window will reappear the next time I install this program, or the next time I run it, or what?


So, my questions at this time:

-What do you recommend I select at this time? and WHY?

-If I later decide to alter my imminent selection, is it possible to do so without reinstalling the game?

-Whatall might this do? Activate compatibility mode? Anything else?

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I wonder whether the error may be triggered by an installation cleanup routine that is not 64 bit compatible.


Admittedly my knowledge of 64 bit operating systems is limited, but if like you say the installation of disk two seemed to complete successfully then I would tend to follow suggestion two and proceed as if all went well. If something turns up that leads you to believe otherwise after running Oblivion uninstall and run a 64 bit compatible registry cleaner.

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It may be; I just don't know. I too am new to 64bit systems. I went kicking and

hollering to Win7x64. I REALLY wanted to stay with XP32, because all of my

games/programs work on it. Alas, my new motherboard made installing XP32

too complicated for my skill level; and I have been told by countless gamers,

including on this forum, that I will be able to run Oblivion in Win7x64. I sadly

might not be able to get Morrowind running on my current system... but that's

another quandry for another time. So here I am, awaiting enlightenment..


If I don't come to a greater understanding, I will resort to eeny-meeny-miney-moe...

possibly followed by a complete clean install of everything from my OS to etc.


But thanks for chiming in! Currently, I am leaning toward option two, as you suggest.



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I found what may be the best answer/info regarding my question; thought I'd post it for future seekers.




Thanks again to you all for chiming in with your words of support. I hope to be gaming with you all soon!



Edited by NomDeKeyz
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Thanks for posting that link NomDeKeyez. We need to get solarmystic hooked on Oblivion and frequenting these forums!!
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