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(Probably) Another texture issue between Head and Body


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I'm kind of new to the whole modding game thingy, and I've spent the entire day trying to solve my issue with TES IV Oblivion. I've been on different forums, youtube etc etc but I couldn't find anything to help me out...


So to sum it up, I downloaded several mods to change the appearance of my character. Here are the mods for my appearance customization :

- Elves of Lineage II

- Elves of Lineage II Update

- Elves of Lineage II Face Texture

- Elves of Lineage II Face Texture Update


- HGEC body with BBB

- High Rez Skin Texture for HGEC

- Body Seam Reducer


So... obviously, my character is a Lineage II Elf (not a Dark Elf). The texture of her head is a bit grey-ish and the textures of her body are more traditional pink/white : it creates a very bad seam around her neck.

Body Seam Reducer does very little for me... I can barely see the difference. I tried to see if there was a mod with a more grey-ish texture that could work with HGEC... but I could not find any.


Do you have any suggestions ? I'm really running out of ideas...

If you need more info or even a screenshot, I can provide that too.


Thank you for your time.

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Which of the two Lineage Elf body textures from High Rez did you install ... Lineage Dark Elf or Lineage Elf (the later is pink skin tone while the former is gray)?

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I installed it manually because when I used the Tool Installer, I could not find the Elves of Lineage II Race (There is Ice Elf, Mystic Elf but not Lineage Elf...). I picked :

- FootFemale (for brownSkin)

- Foot Female_n

- HandFemale

- Handfemale_n


I picked the muscular body and the normal textures (I don't like the oiled ones). Where should I put these 4 files ? I put them in the Lineage File, but there is also a file named Dimon99 (it's about the Lineage Elves Retexture, the one I'm using), with a few DDS files in it (linelf v1, linelf v1_n etc etc).


Should I pick another set ? In that case, which one ? Or is there another mod that could give me a more grey-ish body texture ?

Edited by OblivionRora
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Lineage Dark Elf and Lineage Elf are not available in the 4096x4096 package ... only the 2048x2048 package. If you look in the extracted download SS folder you'll see screenshots showing Lineage II Dark Elf and Lineage II Elf. Pick the one that most closely matches the head texture you have already installed.


I'm not familiar with the folder structure used for those races, and haven't ever downloaded them myself. If the original download which included the head textures also came with body textures then it will just be a matter of replacing the appropriate files with those from the 2048x2048 package. You will propably need to rename the files to match the original names.


In all likelyhood the Install tool from the 2048x2048 package will do all the work for you.

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There are no Lineage Elf Screenshots in the SS folder. I do not really care if the textures are 4096x4096 or 2048x2048. I tried all files (except orc and dark elf) and none came close to match my character's face color... I'm getting more and more frustrated lol


It does not change my great experience of TES IV Oblivion, it just sucks a bit every time I open my character's profile, I can see it lol

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/!\ Update /!\


I found out something I did not think about... instead of trying to change my character's body's tone, I tried to change her face's tone. It works well, there is only a very tiny difference between her body and face now, but it is way better than before.


Thank you Striker879 for your information and ideas to help me out solving my issue.


I guess you can close this topic :)

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