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No Anti-Aliasing in oblivion!

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I've tried using it with bloom through options, editing the multisampling line in the ini, and forcing it in the Nvidia control panel. I have also reinstalled the Nvidia drivers. Nothing works. I have an EVGA GTX 570 superclocked, i7 2600k 4.6 ghz, 8GB DDR3 2000mhz RAM, and Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I am running FCOM, All Natural, QTP3, Bomret's SI Textures, L.A.M.E., and several HGEC clothing/armor mods, as well as HGEC it's self. and a few other minor mods. The issue I believe happens with vanilla Oblivion. I've tried Nvidia Inspector, too!
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Ah, good that you have NVidia Inspector. Try changing the Antialiasing compatibility to 0x20410041. :)


You know, I waited TWO DAYS for a response! And you know what?


TOTALLY WORTH IT! The change to compatibility mode was exactly what I needed! Thank you!


As a note, the actual "Oblivion" compatibility setting didn't help at all!

Edited by shakuvendell
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If you get water that turns black, it's AA doing it by the way. For me it only happens when I use OBGE and certain kinds of AA together, so it probably won't affect you. If your water does happen to turn black, turning off AA through your drivers, or switching the AA method you're using would fix it.
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I had no antialias either, my oblivion had 8xAA in video menu and it smoothed jaggies like 10%? Then i got FXAA injector which pretty much turned everything smooth. (my GPU is 560Ti 488 cores special edition 1280mb gdddr ram or something along those lines)
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