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Building an AMD PC. Need advice please

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Hey all. I'm finally fed up with my PC and I think it's time to upgrade - I'm currently running

AMD Phenom II x4 920 @2.81GHz 4GB DDR800 Ram. ATi RADEON 4670 1GB


And it's just not cutting it. I have $700NZD available to me. which isn't a lot. however. I Don't need a case. I dont need a PSU or HDD or OS


Now what I'd like help with is part suggestions. I don't know whats good these days. what Mobos work with what (Technologies out grown me soo quick!) I'd like an AMD build. and with the price limitations. I was thinkin a Bulldozer series? I would like anything that is 6 core and up. I don't think 4 are doing the job. Card wise I was thinkin a HD7850 and 8GB DDR3 Ram.


But like I said I just don't know how things work these days. I don't know what motherboard to use. and to be honest I don't know what CPU and Gfx would go well together and for cheap. I just want something that can run Skyrim at max 1920.1080 and steady frame rate (without EMBs) and possibly the new Metro game.


If anyone could help me it would be awesomely appreciated :)

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How would this run


Gigabyte GA-MA74G AM3 Board

AMD Bulldozer 6100. (6 core 3.2GHZ)

XFX 7750 1GB



See above re processor, as for the 7750, I've got two Sapphire 7750's in crossfire, and that can't QUITE handle Skyrim Ultra-1080p with the HD texture pack (Well, it can, but it's a lot smoother with the antialiasing and shadow quality knocked back a notch from Ultra. Without the HD texture pack they eat Ultra alive, but with it it's a bit up and down: on FULL Ultra-1080p with the HD pack it'll climb above 100fps a lot of the time, but also dip below 30fps in complicated areas. (Rest of my specs are on my profile).

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I wouldn't use a Bulldozer cpu, they've had a lot of problems. My Phenom II x4 @3.2Ghz isn't great either, but that Bulldozer would probably be worse.

To be completely honest, I don't think AMD is really focused on CPUs. Intel pretty much covers that market. Idk, if you're dedicated to getting an AMD PC, a Phenom II at 3.6Ghz would probably be pretty good for gaming. My cpu starts to choke if I put Skyrim on ultra with many graphics mods.

Edited by Rennn
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Wow okay. Well thanks for the advice, but roughly that's 200 maybe more out of my range. If i were to go Intel.. [eeek..always been an amd person] Then i guess i would need to also go Nvidia?.. The thing is. The whole i3 i5 i7 thing like 2300k 3200k whatever yadada... Confuses the crap outta me. I have no idea which is better and why. Ive tried youtubing and googling benchmarks but like some i3's seem to be better than i5's and some i5s better than i7s and its sooo confusing as to what is my Current processor on Par with Intel wise. If i knew that, that way i could do comparisons and make a decision on an Intel build. Coming to Nvidia.. well i havnt used an Nvidia since i had the GeForce 6200 256mb AGP. Way backkk. prior to that a Fx5200 128mb. So looking at all these new nvidia Models. I once again am confused. I wish i had kept up with technology. yet technologies running ahead of me before i even notice theres 500 new graphics cards and CPUs every few weeks. [Exaggerated i know :P] Sorry to seem all noobish.


So i guess basically im wanting a budget build..? But better than my current one. I could possibly go to 800NZD. But that will only be like 650US.. So if you were to build a budget Intel/Nvidia gaming PC to outpreform mine with 650US. How would you do it? [Except HDD and Case And PSU [i have a 800watt atm so hopefully thats enough power - And i am running 32bit Win7]

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I had no issues with my setup, if your having bottlenecks its mostly isn't the cpu's issue. Remember the hard drive is th main bottleneck in every pc. After i went with a Momentus drives i had no issues with bottlenecking. Many people would like to blame the cpu in many cases like bottlenecking but its mostly caused by your hard dirve, if ya want decent performance like me, you would need some good ram, and a decent hdd.


ram here is under 70$



just a tad slower then your average ssd




also just a tad over 100$


i have a 1100T stock overclocked to 3.80ghz, and it hasn't caused any bottlenecking as of yet. Remember don't forget turbo.


I can help you out further tomorrow with your 700$ budget, i am only giving out some suggestions to you.

Edited by Thor.
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If you are confused about core i5/i7 let me break it down for me.


For gaming and if you plan on doing gaming a core i5 2500k (Sandy Bridge 2nd Gen), core i5 3570k (that's what I got, Ivy Bridge 3rd gen) Either one of those for gaming will be perfectly fine. Now can you upgrade to a core i7 and if you do a lot work with video encoding you'd see help there but that's really it. The 2500k/3570 is somewhat of a minimum and maximum for lack of better when it comes to gaming. I wouldn't get any less, nor would I really get any more. For that package I would get an Asrock Extrem4 Z77 Motherboard as well as the core i5 3570k, some people say the 3570k runs warmer, but A) It's still fairly bearable B) With a good heatsink it becomes pretty marginal C)They essentially supposed to.


With my Coolermaster EVO 212 It runs about 32 degrees average celsius, not bad but there is worse out there for sure.


So yeah get a 2500k and 3570k




Dont skip out on using intel because the product line might be a little intimidating


Now as for AMD, I suppose you could just hunt down an 1100T or something similar, however for whatever reason they go on ebay for quite a bit (I've seen them up to 180$) Now I am definitely not saying they are not worth that, but for 40$ you break into the core i5 price range and well they at least 40$ more powerful to say the least. So i guess go with one of the higher range Phenom II X4, The Bulldozers are worthless, I don't mean to troll but my Pheon 940 feels fast then them :P


By the way for a heatsink ram, the core i5 spu, and that mobo I spoke will run you maybe about 450 USD which 660$


You really wouldn't go wrong with either 2500k or 3570k. I really hate doing this to be wanting an AMD build, but the fact is intel has just got the better stuff right now.

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