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Fallout 4 with Fallout 76 map is that possible


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Since Fallout 76 is almost identical to its predecessor is it possible to port the map from 76 and play it in F4 ? I mean no one really enjoys all that online aspect, constant lagging, server closing, etc... why don't just rip out that map from F76 and play it in F4 ?


I know that there are issues like F76 actually have some new assets, entering other cells wouldn't work, scripting too, NPC's and other enemies is out of the question, but I am talking only about the map. Why don't just use the map rip it out of the F76, repopulate it with enemies and just have fun. Is that even possible at this point ? Is it possible to fiddle with the F76 files to dig up the map from it and open it in CK ? Please discuss.

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Thanks for bringing attention to this, Bernt.


Look, now the butthurting is dying down, it's gonna come down to a Black Mesa solution. You might remember how badly Valve's attempt at giving Half-Life a facelift was received. Over the next few years the Crowbar Collective have completely recreated the original game in the Source engine. They are still working to complete the frankly never fleshed-out Xen level, but the rest was done to devastating effect.


That's how it's going to be for Appalachia and, I suspect, for Fallout 4 Multiplayer.

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