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Worst bug ever!! Lil help please!


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I have alots of mods downloaded. I downloaded one earlier called Scout Armor, and i also disabled a mod called Dynavision. Since then...

Everytime I loaded a saved game, the Aspect of Peryrite will talk to me and not let me go. I got around that by stoping the quest via console command.

But now I cannot talk to NPCS. The dialogue screen will come up. But I cannot select anything. So I can buy or sell or do any quests :(


Heres a video of what its doing, just incase I didnt explain it correctly


Thanks guys.


(ive tried disabling all mods and starting the game with no mods enabled but it does the same thing)


I install all mods via Nexus Manager.

Edited by miked79
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Maybe try validating your game files through Steam?


Definitely try that.


Also, though you probably tried it, does it work by hitting [enter] when the option you want is highlighted?

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thanks for the replies. I have tried validating it. And I have tried hitting enter just now, but it doesnt work :(


Its weird cuz it has something to do with that quest The only Cure...

It wont leave me alone, it always tries to activate, and when i keep hitting tab, itll let me be free for a few seconds, and during those few seconds , I can talk to the npcs. But in order to get the quest to stop repeating and freezing me up. I have to do either Stopquest Da13 or setstage da13 100


And after that it will let me play, but then thats when I can no longer speak to the NPCS.


I hope I dont have to restart! I have a lot of hours on there! And I was gettin close to thee end :(



Well I was able to locate an older save that I had, so I guess ill just have to go from there!

O wells.

Edited by miked79
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