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deleted Skyrim


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Just one thing

over complicated and confusing perks tree?


Steam is great no need to mess around (if you have more than one braincell) Buy games from it, they keep my saves keeps me in touch with mates, shows me what games my mates are playing its great!


Reading what SFBryan18 said about CoD I agree!!! I love BF3 great game but CoD sucks so much, just run around shooting people for what 20 mins so one sided narrow minded console game. BF3 offers a lot more! But anyway this is about Skyrim.

Skyrim is amazing, Betha seems to be the ONLY game company that listen to us, they added in the game what we wanted to be added! I have no complaints about it at all, well all but one..........Where is my Dawnguard DAM 360!!!!!!!!



You like what you like, if you don't like it than don't play it, I don't really think fans of it want to hear what you don't like about it.


But yeah doubt anyone will read this haha,


Bye anyway mate.

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Your morals might tell you that a company should deliver a quality product, but I have some bad news.


But, Bethesda sells quality far beyond most of these quick buck knock off games.

Definitely right on "the money" keke.


It's easy to bash the Angry Birds cohort for the casual-ization of AAA studios, but you're totally right that they do spend money and can be depended upon to buy games that more dedicated fans would turn up their noses at. It'll be interesting to see where this trend ultimately leads. I definitely don't consider myself to be a "hardcore" or "elitist" type of game player, but I think that it's fairly easy to tell when a studio has just sort of "mailed it in" on a title (your bringing up of COD definitely resonates here) versus when they have really put in the work necessary to make a game amazing. Perhaps this is because many studios don't want us playing a game for years, and would prefer that we buy many mediocre games rather than one or two masterpieces. Add to this the "cut features from original release to sell later in DLC" and "bugs on release? we'll just patch that later" mentalities and it is pretty easy to draw a ray through 1) casual gamers with money --> 2) lower standards from studios --> 3) incomplete and/or rehashed titles sold as AAA titles.


Going back to the D3 example, it is pretty obvious that ATVI has seriously dented their reputation with many longtime fans with this release, myself included. Despite that, the game was an overwhelming commercial success. One can probably surmise that this success was built upon a) the marketing hype and b) the sterling reputation of D2. Having "poisoned the well" so to speak, it will be telling as to whether or not ATVI will continue to enjoy its same level of almost guaranteed commercial success. I would hope that they've been chastened somewhat, but I really have no idea.


Beth seems to have made some elements of Skyrim far more "casual" than in previous TES iterations, and I lament the loss of meaningful statistics, classes, spells, disposition, etc. but going back to the combat systems of Morrowind and Oblivion is almost an unbearable experience. And unlike ATVI and most other studios, Beth has continued to live up to its reputation as mod-friendly, which, in my eyes, washes away many of their other failings.


I suppose that, in its essence, I feel as though Beth still respects their customers and fans as more or less intelligent folks that are still worthy of pleasing. I get completely the opposite feeling from ATVI, which feels far more "my way or the highway" in terms of putting out a product and then expecting people to buy it simply because it's there and it's ATVI. They remind me of an aging heavyweight champ resting on their laurels before a big fight, not training or conditioning because they think they've got it in the bag. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, only time will tell.




I actually really like Steam too. I definitely had my doubts, but it is solid. I always play offline though so as not to worry about sometimes-sketchy auto-patching.


If anything else, I wish that there were MORE perk trees and more meaningful differentiation between "paths" on the trees. Luckily, mods save the day.


And word to Dawnguard. I don't really love vampires or anything, but more Skyrim is always better!

Edited by sukeban
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Skyrim's a great game, I wouldn't uninstall it over something as mundane as Steam. I don't really like Steam, because it slows my computer down, and is always updating something :wallbash: , but to play Skyrim, I can live with it.
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Skyrim's a great game, I wouldn't uninstall it over something as mundane as Steam. I don't really like Steam, because it slows my computer down, and is always updating something :wallbash: , but to play Skyrim, I can live with it.

It's sort of annoying to do so each time that you play, but after you launch Skyrim you can alt-tab and force-quit Steam from Processes. Nothing bad will happen as the game is already launched, and it will free up whatever amount of CPU that Steam had previously been using. You probably can't get achievements this way, but... whatever haha.


You can also disable "Steam Community" (online chat, etc.) when running Steam. I've done this because I don't like being messaged in-game, but it's been my experience that it helps a *little* bit as well.


Hope some of that is helpful :-)

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sukeban, bringing up the DLC is a good point... Games are no longer sold as complete products, but are now split up to increase profits. To me, a DLC is nothing more than a tax to get the rest of my game.


A DLC pretty much turns a quick buck knock off into a money maker because they know the knock off will get boring really fast, so they force you to spend more money to get more out of it.


Again, the best example is COD, but almost every game company is heading in that direction because the purpose of making games is to make money. Today, we hear about the plans for future DLC's before a game is even released. It's all a scheme to rake in more cash.


I hardly buy any games anymore because they all look like knock offs. I'm looking forward to GTA5. That series always delivers, but I'm sure they're already planning their DLC's too.

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